Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Character Sheet: Pionpi


Now that we're finished with the western comics of the Mario series, let's go through and cover our assorted newcomers. We have four this time, one appearing in the regular Mario roster, the other three in the multimedia roster. They are:

1. Pionpi

2. Mushroom King

3. Herman Smirch

4. Dirk Drain-Head

Now, Pionpi we have seen before. They are the common enemy appearing in the Chai Kingdom, the fourth world of Super Mario Land based heavily on ancient China. They are little purple zombie creatures dressed in traditional Chinese tunics that would mostly jump forward with their arms extended. In the trilogy of comics centering on Herman Smirch, there was only one Pionpi, and he acted as Tatanga's right hand man, commanding his forces while riding on a Yurarin. He could cast spells of his own, but he could also command the various minions to do his bidding, and that re-contextualizes the character quite a bit.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Gunion

He will point his sceptre forward as a Gunion enemy (octopus thing) appears shooting off a fireball in three directions.

Side B: Pionpi Leap

Based on his own famous move from the game, he will extend his arms forward and leap forward at high speed, colliding with anyone in his way.

Up B: Yurarin

His primary steed through the comic, a Yurarin (the sea horse) will appear under him and swim upward, generally the way a sea horse would move.

Down B: Genkotsu

He will point forward as a large rock fist appears, punching downward and squashing anyone caught underneath it.

Final Smash: Forces of Tatanga

Pionpi will spread his arms to call upon his armies. A game boy will appear at his feat, glowing with light before bursting open and spilling hordes of enemies from Super Mario Land all across the stage, wreaking havoc before shortly disappearing.

Entrance: He will emerge from the Game Boy.

Taunts: Up, he will try to rein in his Yurarin for a second. Side, he will extend his arms in his signature pose for a second. Down, he will take on his squashed look from the game when Mario steps on him.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Peach's often absent father, the Mushroom King!

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