Saturday, October 23, 2021

Character Sheet: Dirk Drain-Head


Now that we're finished with the western comics of the Mario series, let's go through and cover our assorted newcomers. We have four this time, one appearing in the regular Mario roster, the other three in the multimedia roster. They are:

1. Pionpi

2. Mushroom King

3. Herman Smirch

4. Dirk Drain-Head

Because apparently in the Mario world, plumbers are worshipped by the public, Mario has not one, not two, but three idols he looks up to, the first being the greatest plumber ever known, Salvador Drainado; the second being an Indiana Jones-style TV action hero, Mighty Plumber; and the third being the comic book superhero, Dirk Drain-Head. Weird.

Across the comics he appears in, we learn that Dirk fights with both a wrench and a plunger and can fly with his cape. He also has a sidekick, Snakey, and three known adversaries: Pipe Ooze, Muck, and Dark Dirk.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Plunger

He will lunge out with his plunger, sticking an opponent with it before pumping it and sending the enemy flying with the strength of the hit.

Side B: Snakey

Dirk's faithful sidekick Snakey will appear by his side, lashing out with his plumber's snake and grabbing an opponent, pulling them in so that Dirk can combo them from there.

Up B: Bedsheet Cape

He will flair his cape and fly upward, drifting back down gently.

Down B: Pipe Ooze

He will hold up a pipe and his nemesis Pipe Ooze will lunge out, crawling across the stage and leaving a trail of slime behind, kinda like that blob of gunk from the TMNT stage over in Nick All-Star Brawl.

Final Smash: Dream Warrior

This one's mostly based on the issue where Mario sleepwalks and dreams that he is Dirk Drain-Head, effectively bodying every single opponent King Koopa sent his while while being blissfully unaware. Dirk will likewise fall asleep and deliver a volley of attacks on the nearest opponent before launching them.

Entrance: He will emerge from a comic book.

Taunts: Up, he will hold his plunger in the air and strike a pose. Side, he will pretend to parry a blow with his plunger. Down, he will work on a clog with his plunger.

Thanks for reading! Now, we update our two changed rosters.

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