Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Thief Wario


After stealing Count Cannoli's wand for himself and chasing the thief off, Wario discovers the wand to be alive and named Goodstyle. Goodstyle accepts Wario as his new master and teaches him all the ropes for how to be a phantom thief, and granting Wario the ability to draw himself into various costumes, including one in the form of a masked bandit.

Wario uses this ability to great effect, amassing eight different forms across the game, including the floaty Cosmic Wario, the creative Arty Wario, the fiery Dragon Wario, and the waterbound Captain Wario. Using all of these abilities, Wario is able to amass a ton of treasure and fight off adversaries such as Count Cannoli.

As a fighter, Thief Wario will be quick and stealthy, using flashy moves to help him get around. His moveset will pull from all eight costumes used across the game, and each will be represented as a different color swap.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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