Monday, May 15, 2023

The Black Jewel


While the Wario Ware series saw strong success, Wario Land made its first (and only) real foray into the 3D gaming world with Wario World for the Game Cube. The game saw Wario, living a life of luxury in his castle full of stolen treasure, only for a cursed jewel in the middle of his horde to come to life, destroying the castle, forcibly ejecting Wario from it, and taking all the treasure for itself.

This is the Black Jewel, the main villain of Wario World, and the next in a long line of revolving door Wario baddies. The Black Jewel was an evil entity sealed away centuries before by a race called the Spritelings, until Wario's theft of it awakened it once again.

As a fighter, the Jewel will be light and floaty, but also tough and heavy in its attacks. Its moveset will pull from its own boss battle, as well as the distinct gimmicks of Wario World itself.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause.

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