Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Ghastly King


After fighting his way through Kongs, Rocs, Tusks, and Hogs, Donkey Kong finally makes it to the halfway point of the game, where he encounters a giant Kong with a scary, spiky face riding on top of a giant Pig Poppo.

This is the Cactus King, or the Ghastly King, as he is called in his second battle at the end of the game. Using his army of generals, he took over Donkey Kong's kingdom, and now Donkey Kong must challenge him to take it back.

As a fighter, the Ghastly King is big and strong, with lots of powerful moves drawn from various martial arts. His moveset will pull from his moves seen in battle, as well as the abilities of his various generals, minus the Kongs.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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