Thursday, May 11, 2023

Demon Head


In the early 90s, Nintendo made its first foray into virtual reality gaming, long before things like Oculus came around, in the form of a nearly unusable console called the Virtual Boy, infamous for inflicting severe headaches on its players and having only a handful of barely passable games before production was shut down altogether. In this whole mix, Wario found itself an installment on the console, which is far and away considered to be the best game on the console. Doesn't say much, but there you go. The game features Wario crashing his plane next to a waterfall and spying a couple of goons taking treasure into a secret cave behind said waterfall.

This cave is the horde of a mysterious being called the Demon Head. Although his powers are great and his motives unknown, this doesn't stop Wario from being Wario and attempting to steal the entire horde, prompting the Demon Head to face him as the final boss.

As a fighter, Demon Head will be a bit of a trippy fighter, with a shimmery body and hit boxes that are a little unpredictable, granting him solid defense against attack. His moves will pull from his own battle as well as the various gimmicks related to the game.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

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