Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Snide the Weasel


As Donkey Kong begins his adventure, he encounters various shops and locations with characters ready to help him. These include: Funky, supplying him with weapons; Candy, supplying him with instruments; Cranky, supplying him with potions; and a new character in the form of a weasel.

This is Snide, an engineer who helped build the Blast-o-Matic. King K. Rool fired him after it was doing, paranoid that he would betray him, so now Snide is offering up his services to the Kongs in sabotaging the machine in return for them collecting his old blueprints from K. Rool's minions.

As a fighter, Snide will be less of an upfront fighter, more sneaky and looking for easier routes to get in a hit. His moveset will pull from all of his random mechanical devices shown inside of his headquarters whenever you return his blueprints to him.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

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