Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hongo the Book Spirit


Over the years, the Yoshi series had a relatively minute presence in Nintendo's history, often being just a fun catch-all for random gimmicks they wanted to show off to players in some way, or as a face to slap onto a random puzzle game to get players to buy it. One such gimmick game was Yoshi Topsy-Turvy, a game built around the tilting mechanics included in the Game Boy Advance. The plot of the game features Bowser rampaging across Yoshi's Island, a powerful spirit becoming furious about it, and sealing up the entire island in a book to stop him.

This spirit was Hongo the Book Spirit, a stubborn but not ungenerous spirit who allowed Yoshi to seek a new way to keep Bowser contained, as he refused to undo the spell on the island as long as Bowser would remain free if he did so, leading to Yoshi going on his quest.

As a fighter, Hongo will have a lot of power behind his attacks, but will be light and floaty in his movements. His moveset will pull from many of his own abilities as well as various gimmicks of his home game, and the abilities of the various spirits under him.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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