Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Second Chance: Cactus King & Ghastly King


So, up to today, I thought the thorny guy was the Cactus King and the pig he rode on was the Ghastly King. Turns out that is wrong. Cactus King and Ghastly King are just different names for the same guy, for some reason, and the pig is just a Pig Poppo. Anyway . . . 

C.K. or G.K. is the main villain of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, who has . . . some kind of evil plan. He is fought at the end, after you have fought through all four Kongs, Rocs, Tusks, and Hogs. I went with the four Kong bosses as the reps for the game, because they're all over the marketing and such, and G.K. I skipped over because his battle was fairly simple. However, looking back on it now, there is a bit more to it than that, plus, there are three other boss classes that didn't get any representation, I'm just saying. So, considering all that, I'm going to say . . . 


Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Ghastly Orb

He will spit out an orb of ghostly fire, which he could do in his second boss battle as Ghastly King. The orb will act as a projectile.

Side B: Pig Poppo

His hog steed will appear beneath him and breathe a straight stream of fire from its nostrils across the ground.

Up B: Roc

A Roc will appear and carry him upwards, dropping eggs as it flies.

Down B: Tusk

He will plop down a Tusk, which will stay in place while he moves around, firing off cannonballs in different directions. Only one may be on stage at a time.

Final Smash: Boss Battle

He will grow up to his gigantic size from the final boss battle, and go to town on the nearest player to him.

Entrance: He will hop off of his Pig Poppo.

Taunts: Up, he will perform and evil laugh. Side, he will take up a martial arts stance. Down, he will pet his Pig Poppo.

Kirby Hat: His whole spiky face situation.

Kart: Based on his Pig Poppo

Special Move: He will place a Tusk on the track, which will stay in place and fire cannonballs randomly.

Spirit Battle: Giant battle, on Rumble Falls.

Victory Screen: He will laugh evilly as darkness fills the screen.

Losing Screen: His death animation will play.

Color Swaps: Cactus King, Ghastly King, looks based on Dread Kong, Karate Kong, Judo Kong, and Sumo Kong, a look based on Donkey Kong, and a look based on King K. Rool.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a couple of other unique Barrel Blast character who got passed over initially.

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