Thursday, February 17, 2022


With the jump to 3D on the Nintendo 64 console, rather than immediately developing a 3D Donkey Kong adventure for the switch, Rare instead developed a racing game featuring Diddy Kong and a host of new original characters, some of whom would go on to their own spinoffs. The story centered around Diddy Kong being summoned to a distant island, where a bunch of his friends were being threatened by an evil wizard.

These friends included Timber the Tiger, Pipsy the Mouse, Tiptup the Turtle, Bumper the Badger, Drumstick the Rooster, Banjo the Bear, and Conker the Squirrel. The game was a racing game, so the characters spent all of their time in cars, or planes or boats, as they raced around courses using special items to help them get ahead.

As a fighter, the different color swaps will switch between Timber between Timber, Pipsy, Tiptup, Banjo, Drumstick, and Krunch the Kremling. Diddy, Banjo, and Conker could fill the other slots, though their status in other games complicates that. They will be fast, being Karts, and their moveset will pull from the items they use.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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