Wednesday, February 16, 2022

King K. Rool

All the Kremlings defeated, Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong make their way onto the deck of the Kremling ship, the Gangplank Galleon and face off with their leader, a large rotund Kremling wearing a red cape and a golden crown upon his head.

This is King K. Rool, the primary villain of the Donkey Kong series and king of the Kremling crew. He will crop up time and time again, sometimes in new guises such as Kaptain K. Rool and Baron K. Roolenstein. Sadly though, he seems to have dropped off the map a bit in favor of new villains.

As a fighter, he will be both strong and fast, with good defense thanks to his ironclad belly. His moveset will pull from all of his various boss battles throughout the game, both as King K. Rool and his two alter egos.

Likelihood rating: Already in

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