Monday, February 14, 2022

Donkey Kong Jr.

The arcade game Donkey Kong proved a rampant success and saw itself a sequel the following year. This time, it starred the great ape’s son as he tried to rescue his father, who was now being kept in a cage by the plumbing hero of the first game.

This is Donkey Kong Jr., an early character who played a prominent role in the landscape of gaming for several years before just dropping off the map altogether. It’s believed that Diddy Kong was originally going to be Junior, but there were licensing issues.

As a fighter, he will be similar in many aspects to his father, or son I suppose, having a lot of strength and speed to him. His moveset will pull primarily from his first appearance, as well as his various subsequent roles and his starring role in Saturday Supercade.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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