Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Lord Fredrik

At the forefront of this new invading army stood an imposing walrus draped in furs. Pulling out a giant horn, he blows into it with a mighty breath, producing forth a dragon made of ice that swirls around the island and freezes it whole, blowing Donkey Kong and his companions away.

This fearsome leader of the Snowmads is Lord Fredrik. He leads his forces from island to island, transforming each one into an environment more suitable for them and forcing the current inhabitants to flee. He fights against the Kongs using his massive size and the ice powers granted from his magic horn.

As a fighter, Fredrik is big and strong, but with a surprising amount of speed. His moves pull primarily from his boss battle, allowing him to throw his weight around as well as freeze anything that gets in his way.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause

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