Monday, February 14, 2022

Donkey Kong

Hey everybody! I'm back. Let's start up our Donkey Kong roster.

The Mario side of the series split covered, let’s now return to that original arcade game to cover Donkey Kong’s side of things. A replacement for Bluto in the original Popeye concept of the game, we first see the great ape ascending a construction site with a damsel-in-distress in tow.

This is Donkey Kong, an ape escaped from the zoo wreaking havoc on a construction site. Years later, the studio Rare would revamp the Donkey Kong series, aging up the original ape and bringing his grandson into the spotlight under the same name, now going on multiple adventures in his jungle home, often against the evil King K. Rool.

Donkey Kong will have much the same stats as he does already in the Smash games, being a strong combination of strength and speed. His moveset will pull primarily from the later revamp of the series and the mechanics appearing within.

Likelihood rating: Already in

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