Monday, February 21, 2022

The Evil Kings

With the start of the Game Cube era came some severe upheavals for the Donkey Kong franchise. Rare got bought out from under Nintendo by Microsoft, taking Banjo-Kazooie, Conker, and many of their other franchises with it. Donkey Kong managed to stick with Nintendo, but under new management less familiar with the property. During this time, the franchise leaned heavily into the bongos Donkey Kong frequently played, releasing a set of bongos that could act as limited controllers with several games produced to make use of them. One was an adventure game that pitted Donkey Kong, not against K. Rool, but a quartet of evil martial artist apes.

These were the Evil Kings: Dread Kong, Karate Kong, Ninja Kong, and Sumo Kong. We’re not sure what they’re evil plan was, except that they worked under a pair of more powerful villains: Cactus King and Ghastly King. They fought Donkey Kong in one-on-one showdowns, each pushing Donkey Kong to his limit.

As fighters in this hypothetical game, these four would act as the first four color swaps of each other. Their moves would pull from their own battles, but would also incorporate elements of the unique bongo-based gameplay that set it apart from the rest of the series.

Likelihood rating: Probably not

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