Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Toward the end of their adventure, as Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong close in on King K. Rool and his gang, the big guns start coming out to play. Most prominent among them is a huge musclebound Kremling wearing camo gear who resists nearly all of the Kongs’ attacks.

This is a Krusha, the bruisers of the Kremling Krew that require specific conditions to defeat. Like the Klumps, one Krusha plays a role in the animated series, as the big dumb muscle of the trio who proves on many occasions to be kind of a big sweetheart.

As a fighter, the Krushas will be almost exclusively focused on strength with decent defense to back it up. Their moves will pull from all of the larger and stronger Kremlings of the series, as well as the one Krusha’s role in the TV series.

Likelihood rating: Could happen

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