Monday, April 27, 2020

Wario Ware: Touched!


Wario Ware: Touched! is the fourth game in the Wario Ware series built on the gimmick of the DS's touch screen. It is also notable for introducing one of the series' most popular characters, the young witch Ashley. The game follows the standard formula of each character having their own framing story with an assortment of microgames attached.

Wario's main story starts with him dropping a Game Boy Advance into a sewer, only for it to be retrieved by an angelic sewer guru alongside a DS, prompting Wario to make the new game. Then his own framing story involves him getting cavities and having to go to the dentist, only to eat junk immediately after and have to go back. This story's games act as a tutorial level, demonstrating the general principles of the gameplay, popping balloons, poking cats, swatting flies, and chiseling rock into a statue with the stylus. In the ending story, he eats some REALLY bad garlic that somehow turns him into Wario Man, giving him enhanced strength, speed, and flying powers. His games are a grand mix of all of them. One I like is a game where he gets to punch out Mario.

In Mona's story, she and her band, Art and Decko, have become a #1 hit, ousting the previous superstar Vanessa from the top spot. On her way to a gig, Vanessa attacks with a hawk mech. Mona, her animal friends and her bandmates all work to fight them off. All of her games require dragging the stylus across the screen, such as slicing fruit, pulling party poppers, and unraveling toilet paper.

Jimmy T's story involves him dancing with his parents again, as well as his brother James and sister Jamie, until a bug crawls into his afro and he has to scratch to get it out. All of his games involve rubbing quickly on the screen with the stylus. These include erasing a chalkboard, petting a dog, tickling an opponent, rocking out, cleaning a window, and waving goodbye. His family all run the remixes.

Kat and Ana's story involves them tracking down a banana thief with their dog and falcon, only to find that the thief was a monkey they name Numchuck. Their games all involve drawing or scribbling in some way. These include squeezing out a packet of ketchup, hooking up a couple, painting nails, connecting the dots, drawing a mustache, tracing Japanese kanji, and threading a needle.

Ashley is a brand new character to the series, a young witch who lives in a haunted mansion with her devil companion Red. In their story, they are brewing a potion and end up ruining it, before coming across Orbulon, who Ashley realizes is the missing ingredient and red tries to catch him. Their games involve dragging things across the screen. This includes lighting candles, putting a corral around sheep, causing a sneeze, extinguishing a fire, striking a match, catching fish with a net, and firing lasers.

Doctor Crygor's story involves him using a new invention to restore an apple core back to a full apple, before hopping into it himself and accidentally becoming half-apple. His games all involve drawing a circle in some way, including spinning a wheel, reeling in a fishing line, rolling a snowball, tuning a radio, setting a clock, throwing a shot putt, and eating a donut.

Mike is another new character, a karaoke robot built by Doctor Crygor. He is set to do chores initially, including blowing away dust in the lab, before he flies off to host a karaoke competition on the alien bunny planet. His games all involve blowing into the DS's microphone in some way, including sweet talking, spinning a pinwheel, blowing bubbles, inflating a balloon, and spreading a dandelion.

9-Volt and 18-Volt's story involves them buying a brand-new game and then going home to play it late into the night. His games are based on old Nintendo games, as per usual, this time including Super Mario Bros., Zelda II, Metroid, Game & Watch's juggling game and oil panic, Duck Hunt, Space Invaders, and Hogan's Alley.

Orbulon, Dribble, and Spitz all appear in the game, but they do not have stories this time, Ashley and Mike taking up their slots. Orbulon crash-lands and is chased by Ashley and Red, and Dribble and Spitz pick up Mike for Dr. Crygor in their taxi. Ken the Reporter and Gelato Joe appear as well.

The game's locations include the standard Diamond City layout, with Wario's house, the Dental clinic, a restaurant called the Sweet Spot, Mona's gig location The Hawt House, Club Sugar, Diamond Broadcasting System, Mona Pizza, Dr. Crygor's lab, Kat and Ana's house, Ashley's mansion, and the Toy Express toy store.

I suppose you could call Wario's nasty garlic an item. Eegh.

So here's what we've got so far:

Wario: ride motorcycle, work out, trampoline, Tiny Wario, chase with broom, Anything Goes, picking nose, punching, rocket, become Wario Man, shave, eat, stomp, kiss, DS, dentist, eat junk, bad garlic, pop balloons, poke cats, swat flies, chisel statue.
Wario Man: fly, giant mech, fly to treasure, grab money, avoid poop, strength, speed, punch Mario
Jimmy T.: disco dance, cell phone, sports, remix, unicycle, golf, jump rope, ski, hurdles, basketball, catch, goalie, skateboard, trampoline, boxing, medicine ball, swim, volleyball, snowboarding, gymnastics, big spins, scrubbing a plate, basketball, catching bugs, sit up, camera, stairs, spotlight, scratch his fro, erase chalkboard, pet dog, tickle, rock out, clean window, wave
Mama T.
Papa T.
James T.
Jamie T.
Mona: moped, elephant, piggy, chimp, toppings on pizza, strange, brushing teeth, catching toast, frying eggs, picking nose, eyedrop, paper airplane, spaghetti, threading needle, mini spin, dodgeball, blow out candles, umbrella, iron shirt, avoid meteors, guitar, art and decko, 4.1 and 4.2, slice fruit, party popper, unroll toilet paper
Dribble & Spitz: drive taxi, adjust radio, fix taxi, rocket taxi, scifi, shooting aliens, dodging meteors, assembling robot, fighting spaceship, shooting Mars, dodging lasers, bullet hell, steering, watermelon, hammering a nail, ferris wheel, drums, whack-a-mole, taking picture
Kat & Ana: bird, dog, falcon, katana, shuriken, monkey, dog sword, run from bees, nature, catching fish, dodging sharks, catching a stick, squirrel picture, vegetables, catching fruit, protecting a cat, water plants, swat mosquito, march with penguins, simple tap, popping bubble, punching water drop, popping baloon, kebabs, picking nose, squeeze ketchup, matchmaker, paint nails, connect dots, draw mustache, draw kanji, thread needle
9-Volt: hoverboard, DJ, Nintendo, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Balloon Fight, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt, F-Zero, Stack Up, Legend of Zelda, flyswatter, Metroid, Mario Clash, Wild Gunman, Hogan's Alley, Game & Watch, Ice Climber, Super Mario Bros. 3, Wrecking Crew, Tennis, Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, Kid Icarus, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Ice Hockey, Mach Rider, Donkey Kong Country 3, Zelda II, Game & Watch's juggling game and oil panic, Space Invaders.
18-Volt: boom box, Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Wrecking Crew, Tennis, Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, Kid Icarus, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Ice Hockey, Mach Rider, Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong Country 3, Super Mario Bros, Zelda II, Game & Watch's juggling game and oil panic, Space Invaders, Hogan's Alley.
Dr. Crygor: secret formula, bathroom, jetpack, gravitator, soap bubbles, giant mech, tuna machine, reality, banana, apple, steak, watermelon, peas, cake, dodge traffic, cymbals, tipping, sliding cup, shaking ice cream, dropping ball, removing key, lighting candle, pouring water, spin wheel, reel fishing line, roll snowball, tune radio, set clock, shot putt, donut
Orbulon: spaceship, meteor, space bunnies, sleeping, massage, black hole, red lasers, Oinker, IQ, matching, counting, copying dance moves, hidden items, weighing items, unscramble, don't pop bubble, filling cup, exact slices, following path, lowering bridges
Ashley: Red, brew potion, lightning, grow giant, chase Orbulon, light candles, corral sheep, cause sneeze, extinguish fire, light match, catch fish, lasers
Mike: karaoke, chores, blow dust, blast off, sweet talk, pinwheel, bubbles, balloon, dandelion

Diamond Troll

Diamond City
Wario's House
Club Sugar
Diamond Taxi
Diamond Elementary
9-Volt's House
Orbulon's Spaceship
Dr. Crygor's Lab
Prince's Castle
Wario Ware Inc.
Mona Pizza
Diamond Knoll
Interstate 310
Diamond City Broadcasting
Dr. Payne's Dental Clinic
The Sweet Spot
Hawt House
Kat & Ana's House
Ashley's Mansion
Toy Express

Nasty Garlic

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover the series's next title, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves!

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