Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves!


Wario Ware: Smooth Moves! is the fifth game in the Wario Ware franchise, this game being built around the gimmicks of the Nintendo Wii console system, most of the games being based around moving around the Wiimote and motion controls. All of the characters from the previous games return, alongside a young martial artist named Young Cricket, his master Master Mantis, and Doctor Crygor's granddaughter Penny.

Wario's main story involves him chasing a creature called a Splunk all the way to a mysterious temple wherein he finds the mystical Form Baton (the Wiimote). After escaping from a giant boulder, he then tries to use the baton to make money off of it. His second game involves him getting split into a bunch of tiny Warios by a bike that Penny invented, the swarm of Wario's eating a bunch of strawberries, before coming back together and being chased back to the temple and forced to return the baton. His games are all a general mix to get you used to playing the game. These include sauteing vegetables, shaving, shooing flies, and blowing down enemies with a fan. His Mini-Warios games are also a wide mix to test your abilities at the end of the game. These include punching, clearing the air, sorting things, parrying with a sword, and yanking a tablecloth.

Mona's story involves her leading a cheerleading squad at her high school's football game, with one of the football players having a crush on her and gaining motivation to win the game because of it. Her games involve using the Wiimote like a cheerleading baton, focusing on your form with it. These games include swatting a fly, balancing on a ball, drinking water, saving a person from falling, yanking a nose hair, and guiding people to their respective restrooms.

Kat and Ana's story involves them defending their dojo from a giant ogre, using their swords and ninja power to turn into turtles as they do so. They're games require you to use your Wiimote like a sword and use it quickly. Their games include shaving sheep, flying a paper airplane, cooking meat, slicing wood, inserting dentures, and throwing darts.

Young Cricket and Master Mantis's story features them traveling to Diamond City and seeing a stand selling dumplings run by Mona. Young Cricket runs over the heads of those in line to get some only to be forced back to the end. He's also shown in a montage punching, doing a handstand, balancing on a pole, kicking, and flipping during his training. Their games require you to hold a stance rather than moving. These games include vacuuming, balancing a broom, curling, sawing a log, collecting apples, skiing, hitting a volleyball, and keeping a stack balanced.

Jimmy T.'s story involves him giving a cat an umbrella to protect him from the rain, leading to a group of cats following him to the club and dancing with him. His games are all a remix to refresh your skills, most of them being moves from the previous set of games. We're later introduced to Jimmy P., a hawaiian-style lookalike of Jimmy T. who gives a dog a bone, leading to him getting a group of dogs to dance with him. His games are also remixes of previous games.

Ashley's story involves her and Red trying to create a monster plant using her spell book. After a brief failure, they succeed and create a plant so big it breaks their mansion. Ashley also uses Red as a magic wand. She also flies on a broom briefly. Her games feature you using the Wiimote like a wand, spinning it like you're casting a spell. These include woodcarving, picking a card, playing pool, shaking a spray can, jumping rope, shooting cans, and rolling dice.

Dribble and Spitz's story feature them giving a taxi ride to a woman to the top of a hill, where she is then revealed to be an alien and leaves in a UFO. Their games involve you holding the Wiimote like a steering wheel. The games include abducting a cow, slicing an orange, pouring sugar, whacking with a stick, playing ping pong, arm wrestling, and running an obstacle course.

Penny's story features her competing in an invent-off against her grandfather, building a new bike for Wario. She also has a jetpack like her grandfather. Her games involve you using the Wiimote like a wrench, turning it slightly. These include hammering a nail, turning a key, using a magnifying glass, tuning a radio, playing whack-a-mole, sharpening a pencil, grinding seasoning, winding up a toy, and fighting with a sword.

9-Volt and 18-Volt's story features them getting in a fight after 18-Volt accidentally break's 9-Volt's game & watch game. 18-Volt then heads out to the toy store to get him a new one to make up for it. (This one is freaking adorable and heartwarming by the way). Their games as always are based on old Nintendo games. This time, they include Super Mario Bros., Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Nintendogs, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, the Wii in general, Balloon Fight, Baseball, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Paint, Sketch Artist, Punch Out, the SNES, Metroid Prime, and Starfox.

Orbulon's story features him crashlanding inside the Form Baton temple from before and coming across a mysterious balance stone. His games feature both the Wiimote and Nunchuck. These include making a bridge, raising a flag, matching numbers, matching time, pedaling, and using maracas.

Finally, Doctor Crygor's story features his new invention, the Kelorometer, capable of slimming down anything. His games all have a fitness bent to them. The games include sawing wood, deflecting watermelons, shaking a bottle, scrubbing a ship, and so on, mostly games from old levels, just geared to help with exercise.

Mike appears in both Penny's and Doctor Crygor's stories, and Ken the Reporter and Gelato Joe also appear.

The locations in the game are pretty basic Diamond City locations, with the Form Baton Temple being a new one, and then featuring the Diamond City Stadium, the Shogun's Castle, Club Sugar, Diamond Academy, Diamond Taxi, Tomorrow Hill, 9-Volt's House, Toy Express, Club Spice, and Ashley's Mansion.

I guess the form baton and the balance stone can count as items.

So here's what we've got so far:

Wario: ride motorcycle, work out, trampoline, Tiny Wario, chase with broom, Anything Goes, picking nose, punching, rocket, become Wario Man, shave, eat, stomp, kiss, DS, dentist, eat junk, bad garlic, pop balloons, poke cats, swat flies, chisel statue, form baton, tiny Warios, sautee, shoo flies, giant fan, clear air, sort, parry, yank tablecloth
Wario Man: fly, giant mech, fly to treasure, grab money, avoid poop, strength, speed, punch Mario
Jimmy T.: disco dance, cell phone, sports, remix, unicycle, golf, jump rope, ski, hurdles, basketball, catch, goalie, skateboard, trampoline, boxing, medicine ball, swim, volleyball, snowboarding, gymnastics, big spins, scrubbing a plate, basketball, catching bugs, sit up, camera, stairs, spotlight, scratch his fro, erase chalkboard, pet dog, tickle, rock out, clean window, waves, cats
Mama T.
Papa T.
James T.
Jamie T.
Jimmy P.: dogs
Mona: moped, elephant, piggy, chimp, toppings on pizza, strange, brushing teeth, catching toast, frying eggs, picking nose, eyedrop, paper airplane, spaghetti, threading needle, mini spin, dodgeball, blow out candles, umbrella, iron shirt, avoid meteors, guitar, art and decko, 4.1 and 4.2, slice fruit, party popper, unroll toilet paper, cheerleading, baton, swat fly, balance on ball, drink water, save person, yank nosehair, guide people
Dribble & Spitz: drive taxi, adjust radio, fix taxi, rocket taxi, scifi, shooting aliens, dodging meteors, assembling robot, fighting spaceship, shooting Mars, dodging lasers, bullet hell, steering, watermelon, hammering a nail, ferris wheel, drums, whack-a-mole, taking picture, abduct cow, slice orange, sugar, whack with stick, ping pong, arm wrestle, obstacle course
Kat & Ana: bird, dog, falcon, katana, shuriken, monkey, dog sword, run from bees, nature, catching fish, dodging sharks, catching a stick, squirrel picture, vegetables, catching fruit, protecting a cat, water plants, swat mosquito, march with penguins, simple tap, popping bubble, punching water drop, popping baloon, kebabs, picking nose, squeeze ketchup, matchmaker, paint nails, connect dots, draw mustache, draw kanji, thread needle, turn into turtles, shave sheep, paper airplane, cook meat, chop wood, dentures, throwing darts
9-Volt: hoverboard, DJ, Nintendo, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Balloon Fight, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt, F-Zero, Stack Up, Legend of Zelda, flyswatter, Metroid, Mario Clash, Wild Gunman, Hogan's Alley, Game & Watch, Ice Climber, Super Mario Bros. 3, Wrecking Crew, Tennis, Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, Kid Icarus, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Ice Hockey, Mach Rider, Donkey Kong Country 3, Zelda II, Game & Watch's juggling game and oil panic, Space Invaders, Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Nintendogs, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, the Wii, Super Mario Sunshine, Sketch Artist, Punch Out, the SNES, Metroid Prime, Starfox.
18-Volt: boom box, break game, Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Wrecking Crew, Tennis, Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, Kid Icarus, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Ice Hockey, Mach Rider, Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong Country 3, Super Mario Bros, Zelda II, Game & Watch's juggling game and oil panic, Space Invaders, Hogan's Alley, Super Animal Crossing, Pikmin, Nintendogs, Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, the Wii, Balloon Fight, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Paint, Sketch Artist, Punch Out, the SNES, Metroid Prime, Starfox.
Dr. Crygor: secret formula, bathroom, jetpack, gravitator, soap bubbles, giant mech, tuna machine, reality, banana, apple, steak, watermelon, peas, cake, dodge traffic, cymbals, tipping, sliding cup, shaking ice cream, dropping ball, removing key, lighting candle, pouring water, spin wheel, reel fishing line, roll snowball, tune radio, set clock, shot putt, donut, kelerometer
Orbulon: spaceship, meteor, space bunnies, sleeping, massage, black hole, red lasers, Oinker, IQ, matching, counting, copying dance moves, hidden items, weighing items, unscramble, don't pop bubble, filling cup, exact slices, following path, lowering bridges, balance stone, form baton, make bridge, raise flags, maracas, pedal
Ashley: Red, brew potion, lightning, grow giant, chase Orbulon, light candles, corral sheep, cause sneeze, extinguish fire, light match, catch fish, lasers, monster plant, wand, spellbook, broom, woodcarving, pick a card, pool, spray can, jump rope, shoot cans, roll dice
Mike: karaoke, chores, blow dust, blast off, sweet talk, pinwheel, bubbles, balloon, dandelion
Young Cricket: run over heads, punch, handstand, balance, kick, flip, vacuum, balance broom, curling, saw log, ski, volleyball, balance stack
Master Mantis
Penny Crygor: jetpack, invent, build bike, hammer, turn key, magnifying glass, tune radio, whack-a-mole, sharpen pencil, grind seasoning, wind up toy, sword

Diamond Troll
Elephant Ogre

Diamond City
Wario's House
Club Sugar
Diamond Taxi
Diamond Elementary
9-Volt's House
Orbulon's Spaceship
Dr. Crygor's Lab
Prince's Castle
Wario Ware Inc.
Mona Pizza
Diamond Knoll
Interstate 310
Diamond City Broadcasting
Dr. Payne's Dental Clinic
The Sweet Spot
Hawt House
Kat & Ana's House
Ashley's Mansion
Toy Express
Form Baton Temple
Diamond City Stadium
The Shogun's Castle
Diamond Academy
Tomorrow Hill
Club Spice

Nasty Garlic
Form Baton
Balance Stone

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover the series's next title, Wario Ware: Smooth Moves!

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