Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Character Sheet: The Shake King (Wario Miscellaneous)


It's time to cover the Wario characters. We will be making a new roster for Wario, although it will not be populated by the most iconic of Wario characters quite yet. We may also get some new additions to the Mario rosters. Here's who were working with this time around:

1. Mario (Revision)
2. Luigi (Revision)
3. Princess Peach (Revision)
4. Toad (Revision)
5. Wario (Revision)
6. Captain Syrup (Revision)
7. Birdo (Revision)
8. Yoshi (Revision)
9. Wanda
10. Count Cannoli
11. Carpaccio
12. Terrormisu
13. The Shake King

Let's finish off with the Shake King, the villain of Wario Land: Shake It!. The Shake King is an evil pirate king who has captured and enslaved a race of fairies called Merfles in order to obtain their magical bag of unending treasure. Wario is called in by Captain Syrup and the escaped Merfles to help bring him down. As he is one of the main unique characters of the game, he also functions well as the game's gimmick rep.

First off, the Shake King himself shows the same ability as Wario to grab and shake objects and enemies hard enough to shake a bunch of coins loose. He also jumps and slams and charges with his shoulder. He can throw a line of fireballs and a lightning bolt, create a shockwave, shoot an energy beam, and smash through the floor. The unique gimmicks of the game itself also include being able to throw the shaken enemies against the wall after shaking them, getting launched forward at top speed, spinning on a bar to get higher, using a submarine and a punching-glove car, and flying around inside of a rocket cauldron. I think all of this can work very well.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Shake It!
The Shake King will grab and enemy and shake them violently, sending a bunch of coins flying everywhere. If pressed again, he will then throw the enemy away at top speed.

Side B: Blast Forward
This one is based on the second half of each level, where Wario is launched forward at top speed from a special device. That device will appear around the Shake King and then blast him at top speed across the screen. The player will have to be careful though.

Up B: Rocket Cauldron
Although the spinning bar might work too, I felt the rocket cauldron worked even better, carrying him up higher, with a slight downward damage from the flames.

Down B: Earthquake
This one is based on when the Shake King breaks through the floor in his boss battle. He will jump and punch his fist into the ground, creating a cosmetic crack in the ground and shaking the stage slightly.

Final Smash: Shakedown
This one's a bit unique. But I thought he could grow to gigantic proportions in the background, grab the edges of the stage and shake it violently with all of his might, sending all the players flying.

Entrance: Either he could step outside of the devil-looking things at the beginning of the stage, or he could do the swirl through the telescope that Wario uses to enter the globe.

Taunt: pulling out a dizzy enemy and shaking it to see if there's anything left. Maybe some of his taunts from the game.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's revise our rosters!

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