Saturday, April 25, 2020

Wario Ware: Twisted!


Wario Ware: Twisted! is the third game in the Wario Ware series, designed specifically for the gimmicks of the Game Boy Advanced, with most games centering on being able to turn the game in some way. All ten cast members from the previous games, with Wario gaining a new form in Wario Man, 9-Volt gaining a new best friend in 18-Volt, and Jimmy being joined by his mother and father on the dance floor.

Wario has two framing stories, one at the beginning and one at the end. In the first, he chases around a rat and ends up getting shrunken and multiplied inside a watch. In the ending frame story, he ends up inside one of Doctor Crygor's machines that then turns him into Wario Man. As Wario Man, he can fly and is generally stronger. He then jumps back into the machine and turns it into a rocket that then launches itself into the sky before being shot down by one of Orbulon's ships. His games in both tend to be a wide, general mix of games to first get you used to them and second to give you a big final test. Some of these include shaving, eating, stomping, kissing, flying to treasure, grabbing money, dodging poop, and so on.

Mona's story features her driving on her moped to deliver a pizza, while a rival pizza company, Pizza Dinosaur, tries to sabotage her by attacking her with a giant dinosaur. Her monkey, pig, and elephant all return using their same attacks to take out the dinosaur. Her games all revolve spinning the game console just slightly, including spinning a pizza to appy toppings, aiming a dodge ball, turning a cake to blow out its candles, balancing an umbrella, ironing a shirt, avoiding meteors, and flying her paper airplane.

Jimmy T. is back at it disco dancing once again, accompanied this time by his parents. They also spend a bunch of time messing with their new cellphones. His games are all based around spinning the console a lot. These include dunking a basketball, scrubbing a plate, catching a butterfly, doing a sit up, focusing a camera, climb stairs, and shine a spotlight on him or his parents. His parents also cover the remix levels for him.

Kat and Ana's framing story involves them going on a field trip with their dog and falcon. Kat accidentally disturbs a beehive, leading them to being chased into a cave and being confronted by a troll. Their games all involve simply tapping the A button. These include running from the bees, doing the wave, popping a bubble, punching a water droplet, popping a balloon, skewering kebabs, and picking noses.

During Dribble and Spitz's story, they drive their taxi down the interstate before it breaks down. After fixing it up, the taxi becomes rocket-powered and launches them into space, where they pick up an alien passenger and take him to Club Sugar. Their games are all based around both spinning your device and pressing A, a mix of the previous games. These include adjusting the radio, eating watermelon, pounding a nail, riding a ferris wheel, pounding drums, playing whack-a-mole, and taking a picture.

Doctor Crygor's story involves him creating a new invention called the gravitator, which then spews soap bubbles and traps him inside. Later he turns it into a flying mech and flies around inside of it. His games involve tipping the system, affecting the gravity, if you will. Some of these games involve sliding a cup, shaking out ice cream, dropping a ball, removing a key, lighting a candle, and pouring water.

Orbulon's story features him falling asleep while flying his ship, waking up to find himself being sucked into a black hole. He has to pilot the ship away from the hole only to be eaten by a living planet and spat back out to Earth. His games all feature extra time, requiring you to take your time to do them correctly. These games include unscrambling items, avoiding popping a bubble, filling a cup adequately, identifying items, cutting exact slices, remembering a card, following a path, and lowering and raising bridges to let people pass.

9-Volt's story involves him meeting 18-Volt, who is either a very large elementary student or a teenager who's been held back a lot. They bond over their shared tastes in music and games and return to 9-Volt's house for a jam session. As before, 9-Volt's games are all based on Nintendo games, including Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Wrecking Crew, Tennis, Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, Kid Icarus, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Ice Hockey, Mach Rider, Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong Country 3, and Super Mario Bros.

Mona's boss Joe and Ken the Reporter also appear in the game, as well as 9-Volt's mother, 5-Volt.

The game's locations are all standard locations around Diamond City, including Wario's house, Club Sugar, Mona Pizza, Diamond Knoll, Interstate 310, Doctor Crygor's lab, Diamond City Elementary, 9-Volt's house, and Diamond City Broadcasting.

So here's what we've got so far:

Wario: ride motorcycle, work out, trampoline, Tiny Wario, chase with broom, Anything Goes, picking nose, punching, rocket, become Wario Man, shave, eat, stomp, kiss.
Wario Man: fly, giant mech, fly to treasure, grab money, avoid poop
Jimmy T.: disco dance, cell phone, sports, remix, unicycle, golf, jump rope, ski, hurdles, basketball, catch, goalie, skateboard, trampoline, boxing, medicine ball, swim, volleyball, snowboarding, gymnastics, big spins, scrubbing a plate, basketball, catching bugs, sit up, camera, stairs, spotlight.
Mama T.
Papa T.
Mona: moped, elephant, piggy, chimp, toppings on pizza, strange, brushing teeth, catching toast, frying eggs, picking nose, eyedrop, paper airplane, spaghetti, threading needle, mini spin, dodgeball, blow out candles, umbrella, iron shirt, avoid meteors
Dribble & Spitz: drive taxi, adjust radio, fix taxi, rocket taxi, scifi, shooting aliens, dodging meteors, assembling robot, fighting spaceship, shooting Mars, dodging lasers, bullet hell, steering, watermelon, hammering a nail, ferris wheel, drums, whack-a-mole, taking picture
Kat & Ana: bird, dog, falcon, katana, shuriken, dog sword, run from bees, nature, catching fish, dodging sharks, catching a stick, squirrel picture, vegetables, catching fruit, protecting a cat, water plants, swat mosquito, march with penguins, simple tap, popping bubble, punching water drop, popping baloon, kebabs, picking nose
9-Volt: hoverboard, DJ, Nintendo, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros., Balloon Fight, Dr. Mario, Duck Hunt, F-Zero, Stack Up, Legend of Zelda, flyswatter, Metroid, Mario Clash, Wild Gunman, Hogan's Alley, Game & Watch, Ice Climber, Super Mario Bros. 3, Wrecking Crew, Tennis, Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, Kid Icarus, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Ice Hockey, Mach Rider, Donkey Kong Country 3.
18-Volt: Metroid, Super Mario Bros. 3, Wrecking Crew, Tennis, Donkey Kong Jr., Excitebike, Kid Icarus, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Ice Hockey, Mach Rider, Legend of Zelda, Donkey Kong Country 3, and Super Mario Bros.
Dr. Crygor: secret formula, bathroom, jetpack, gravitator, soap bubbles, giant mech, reality, banana, apple, steak, watermelon, peas, cake, dodge traffic, cymbals, tipping, sliding cup, shaking ice cream, dropping ball, removing key, lighting candle, pouring water
Orbulon: spaceship, meteor, space bunnies, sleeping, massage, black hole, red lasers, Oinker, IQ, matching, counting, copying dance moves, hidden items, weighing items, unscramble, don't pop bubble, filling cup, exact slices, following path, lowering bridges

Diamond Troll

Diamond City
Wario's House
Club Sugar
Diamond Taxi
Diamond Elementary
9-Volt's House
Orbulon's Spaceship
Dr. Crygor's Lab
Prince's Castle
Wario Ware Inc.
Mona Pizza
Diamond Knoll
Interstate 310
Diamond City Broadcasting


Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover the series's next title, Wario Ware Touched!

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