Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Character Sheet: Terrormisu (Wario Miscellaneous)


It's time to cover the Wario characters. We will be making a new roster for Wario, although it will not be populated by the most iconic of Wario characters quite yet. We may also get some new additions to the Mario rosters. Here's who were working with this time around:

1. Mario (Revision)
2. Luigi (Revision)
3. Princess Peach (Revision)
4. Toad (Revision)
5. Wario (Revision)
6. Captain Syrup (Revision)
7. Birdo (Revision)
8. Yoshi (Revision)
9. Wanda
10. Count Cannoli
11. Carpaccio
12. Terrormisu
13. The Shake King

Terrormisu is a powerful demon from another world and the main villain of Wario: Master of Disguise. She first presents herself to Wario as a young maiden named Tiaramisu in order to manipulate Wario into releasing her from the prison the Cannoli and Carpaccio family's had guarded for generations. Once the seal is broken, she shows her true colors, forcing Wario, Count Cannoli, and Carpaccio to work together to stop her.

In her boss battle, she cycles through multiple different forms, each of which has different abilities attached to it. Her "sad" form shoots blue energy orbs at Wario and fills up the stage with her tears. Her "happy" form will shoot crescent-shaped beams at Wario, and her "angry" form throws up waves of fire at you. Outside of the battle, she can also float in the air and throw lightning at her enemies.

Here's what I came up with:

Standard B: Lightning
This one is based upon the lightning she strikes Carpaccio with just before her boss battle. She will summon up lightning in her hand and blast her opponent with it.

Side B: Angry Fire
This one is based on her "angry" form somewhat. She will thrust her arm forward and a wave of fire will cross the stage before her, burning any in its path.

Up B: Float
This one's pretty simple. She will float upwards the way she does when she reveals her true colors.

Down B: Sad Orbs
She will produce a circle of the energy orbs used in her "sad" form, that will encircle her and then move outward slowly. One of the orbs will flash red, and if an opponent manages to hit that one, Terrormisu will take damage herself.

Final Smash: Demon Masks
This one has three different forms. Basically at the start, she will pull out either her happy, sad, or angry mask, put it on, and the opponents will be trapped in the boss fight for that form. The Angry Mask will be full of fire and burn the opponents. The Sad Form will fill up with tears and drown them. The Happy Form will have her masks popping in and out of the holes as spikes thrust out from the floor and ceiling.

Entrance: She will run onstage with her fan over her face, shouting "M'Lord!"

Taunts: Fluttering her fan over her face, briefly revealing her demonic side, so on.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll finish off with the Shake King from Wario Land: Shake It!

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