Saturday, April 18, 2020

Character Sheet: Count Cannoli (Wario Miscellaneous)


It's time to cover the Wario characters. We will be making a new roster for Wario, although it will not be populated by the most iconic of Wario characters quite yet. We may also get some new additions to the Mario rosters. Here's who were working with this time around:

1. Mario (Revision)
2. Luigi (Revision)
3. Princess Peach (Revision)
4. Toad (Revision)
5. Wario (Revision)
6. Captain Syrup (Revision)
7. Birdo (Revision)
8. Yoshi (Revision)
9. Wanda
10. Count Cannoli
11. Carpaccio
12. Terrormisu
13. The Shake King

Count Cannoli is the true hero of Wario: Master of Disguise. He is the descendant of a long line of Phantom Thieves dedicated to stealing from the wealthy and corrupt while also charged with protecting the seal on the evil demon Terrormisu. That all comes crashing to a halt one day, when Wario happens to watch five minutes of his TV show, decides he can't stand a fictional character stealing a bunch of fictional treasure he can't have, and literally invents a device to teleport into their fictional world, steal his family's magic wand, and take all the treasure for himself. Considering all of Wario's powers in the game come from Cannoli's wand, I think it's fair to say that Cannoli works well as the gimmick rep of the whole game.

So first for his moves, we have the multiple costumes created by Goodstyle the wand for Wario. We have the basic thief costume, a cosmic costume that can shoot lasers and jump higher, a genius costume that can see invisible items and has an extendable punching glove, an arty costume that can create blocks out of thin air, a sparky costume that shoots off electricity, a captain costume that can drive a boat or submarine through water, a dragon costume that breathes fire, and a "wicked" costume that lets him fly. During his other appearances in the game, he frequently enters on a giant balloon creature and pilots mechs that drop bombs, attack with drill, and attack with giant fists of maces. I think we have enough to work with.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Cosmic Laser
This one is based on the Cosmic Wario costume, as Goodstyle will draw the laser from the costume into his hand and he will fire it. The beam will then bounce around the stage the way it does in the game.

Side B: Genius Glove
This one is based on the Genius Wario costume. Goodstyle will draw the punching glove on his chest, which will then extend out across the stage in front of him and deck any characters in front of him.

Up B: Balloon Creature
This one is a bit more unique to Cannoli himself. I could have gone for the Wicked Wario costume, but I felt this fit a bit more for him. Cannoli's balloon creature will appear above him and lift him into the air before eventually dropping him out of exhaustion.

Down B: Arty Block
This one is based on the Arty Wario costume in the game. Goodstyle will draw the canvas before Cannoli, who will then draw a block that will then appear in the air some distance away before slamming down to the ground below. This block will linger for a short time and can be used as a platform.

Final Smash: Mad Hat Mk III
Count Cannoli's giant mech, specifically the third iteration of the machine, though with moves borrowed from the previous two. The mech will move back and forth across the screen, dropping bombs and attacking with the drills and mace fists.

Entrance: He will enter as he always enters, carried by his balloon creature.

Taunts: Whipping his cape around himself, Goodstyle twirling around him, pulling at his mustache, so on.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover his ally/rival Carpaccio!

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