Friday, April 3, 2020

Virtual Boy Wario Land


Virtual Boy Wario Land is a game developed for the ill-fated and infamous Virtual Boy game system, and is widely considered to be one of the best games for the system. The game takes more after the original Wario Land game's style with special power-up helmets, rather than the later Wario Land games's style of using enemy damage to cause power-up.

The game features Wario landing his plane in the middle of a rain forest and accidentally coming across a group of thieves hiding their stash in a secret hideout behind a waterfall. Wario being Wario, he infiltrates their hideout and works his way through it, stealing all their treasure in the process. In the actual gameplay, he of course runs and jumps and charges with his shoulder, and can perform a butt bash. Through the use of special helmets, he can also breathe fire and fly some distance.

There aren't really any other supporting characters to speak of, just a number of enemies and bosses. The main boss is called the Demon Head, a really funny-looking creature that can rise, jump, slam its claws down, and breathe fire. The other bosses include Guard, a guard who jumps and slams down, extends his neck, shoots projectiles, and breathes fire; a Dinosaur Fish with a mace on its head that it swings around; a Sand Fish that swims around in the sand and jump out of it; and a Tank and its Operator that shoots cannonballs at you.

Our enemies include: Mask Guys, the basic Goomba-esque enemies of the game that can carry spears or blowtorches; Horned Toadies, frogs that charge at you; Bomb Bats, bats that drop bombs; Upside-Downers, who drop from the ceiling; Metal Heads, who burst through doors; Big Mouths, who lunge out of holes in the wall to chomp at you; Chain-Saw Fish and Thorny Fish, your fish varieties; Chippies, bears who can throw a mace, hold a shield, or throw a spear while dangling from a tree; Flying Fowls, your standard bird; Dark Tortoises, who throw their helmets and breath fire at you; Waterfall Climbers, who climb waterfalls; Thorn Rockets, who pop out of the sand; Plant Chompers, who chomp; Tornies, tornadoes that will carry you over Plant Chompers; Mastah Mosquitoes, who try to stick you with their noses; Mole Burrowers who dig underground; Pollen Plants who release spores; Honey-bees, who drop fruit and spike balls; Blade-Face, a giant face who floats around; Face Ball, a giant face who releases mini-Face Balls; Coo Coos, chicken things that drop little bomb babies; Fire Octopuses that jump and slam, and Thorn Ball that shook spike balls at you.

As for stages, there are fourteen of them of varying different biomes, including basic caves, water levels, jungle, desert, haunted houses, factory, and castle levels. One key feature in all of these is the background and foreground that Wario can bounce between, making use of the 3D feature. So I imagine a stage based on the game, outside of having the red and black glare to it, would probably be similar to the Jungle Hijinxs stage. They also frequently have features like swinging spike balls to show off the 3D as well.

Here's what we've got so far:

Luigi: remove bucket
Princess Peach
Toad: pick up and put down
Wario: drop bucket/items, fly in plane, teleport, inflate, shoot blast, thwomp, drop bombs, kick bombs, warp holes, dash, the trouncer, liner, moto, run, jump, charge, dragon fire, jet forward, butt bash
Wanda: smack with hammer, break blocks, turn around, create blocks, fly, springs, drop bombs
Bomberman: drop bombs
Demon Head: slam claws, rise, breathe fire

Demon Head
Dinosaur Fish
Sand Fish
Tank and Operator

Stage based on Mario & Wario
Stage based on Wario's Woods
Stage based on Wario Blast!
Cave Level
Water Level
Jungle Level
Desert Level
Haunted House
Factory Level


Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover Wario World!

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