Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Super Smash Bros. Universe (Donkey Kong Country) Roster, Updated


1. Donkey Kong
2. Diddy Kong
3. Dixie Kong
4. King K. Rool
5. Cranky Kong
6. Funky Kong
7. Wrinkly Kong
8. Tiny Kong
9. Lanky Kong
10. Chunky Kong
11. Kiddy Kong
12. Donkey Kong Jr.
13. Stanley the Bugman
14. Xananab
15. Kritter
16. Krusha
17. Klump
18. Tucks
19. Tiki Tong
20. Lord Fredrik

A Mario Series Roster navigation selection would fall right after Lord Fredrik.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll start in on the miscellaneous Donkey Kong titles, starting with Diddy Kong Racing!

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