Monday, January 27, 2020

Character Sheet: Kritter (DK Miscellaneous)


Let's kick off this final round of DK revisions. We have a few old ones to go over, mostly for thoroughness's sake, alongside four new additions to the roster. Let's see what we've got!

1. Donkey Kong (Revision)
2. Diddy Kong (Revision)
3. Dixie Kong (Revision)
4. King K. Rool (Revision)
5. Cranky Kong (Revision)
6. Funky Kong (Revision)
7. Wrinkly Kong (Revision)
8. Tiny Kong (Revision)
9. Lanky Kong (Revision)
10. Kritter (Revision)
11. Krusha (Revision)
12. Klump (Revision)
13. Timber
14. Kalypso
15. Wizpig
16. The Evil Kings

Lightning round! Kritter mainly appears, just like many of those before him, as one of the playable characters in Barrel Blast. He is Donkey Kong's main rival, but that's pretty much all there is to say.

Here's his moveset again:

Standard B: Krook

Side B: Krash

Up B: Kaboing

Down B: Kaboom

Final Smash: King Kut Out

Entrance: Maybe skidding onto the stage, paying reference to the Skiddas.

Taunts: A number of the taunts and noises the various Kremlings could work. It would also be fun to have him harassed by a Klaptrap just like in 64.

Thanks for reading! Next time, we'll cover the Krusha enemies.

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