Thursday, January 30, 2020

Character Sheet: Timber (DK Miscellaneous)


Let's kick off this final round of DK revisions. We have a few old ones to go over, mostly for thoroughness's sake, alongside four new additions to the roster. Let's see what we've got!

1. Donkey Kong (Revision)
2. Diddy Kong (Revision)
3. Dixie Kong (Revision)
4. King K. Rool (Revision)
5. Cranky Kong (Revision)
6. Funky Kong (Revision)
7. Wrinkly Kong (Revision)
8. Tiny Kong (Revision)
9. Lanky Kong (Revision)
10. Kritter (Revision)
11. Krusha (Revision)
12. Klump (Revision)
13. Timber
14. Kalypso
15. Wizpig
16. The Evil Kings

Alright, let's get on with our new characters! Today, we'll be covering Timber, or more accurately, the Diddy Kong Racers. I went with Timber as the base form as he seems to be the main character of the game after Diddy, and it is his island after all. However, every color swap will be a different fighter. I'm not exactly sure how the order will go. Here's a couple options:

The Starter Eight: Timber, Pipsy, Tiptup, Bumper, Diddy, Banjo, Conker, and Krunch
Leaving out all characters with other Game Franchises: Timber, Pipsy, Tiptup, Bumper, Krunch, Drumstick, T.T., and maybe Diddy/Taj.
Or we could simply break the eight-color-swap-thing now, and open it up to any number necessary. I have a feeling we'll need to do that anyway, considering certain RPG series later on down the road.

Either way, the Diddy Kong racers all have a general moveset that consists of racing around a track in a car, plane, or boat. Their power-ups come from items made available through balloons scattered across the track. These power-ups include boosts, various types of missiles, an oil slick to make opponents spin out, a mine to explode, a bubble to trap opponents, a protective shield, and a magnet to pull enemies toward them. Let's see what we can do.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Heat-Seeking Missile
Timber, or whatever racer you are, will send out a heat-seeking missile that will make a beeline toward the nearest opponent, following them and exploding on impact.

Side B: Magnet
The racer will pull out a powerful magnet that will draw opponents toward them. Once pulled nearer, opens them up to be attacked in a number of ways.

Up B: Balloon OR Airplane
I'm hesitant on balloon, partially because I know that will be perfect for Mario Kart when we get to it, but also because balloons aren't particularly used to lift anything in this game. On the other hand, the racer's vehicle could switch to a plane and swoop upward, but I feel the plane mode will come in handy for most of the character's aerial maneuvers.

Down B: Oil Slick
A rather unique move to Diddy Kong Racing, the racer will drop an oil slick behind them, which will make characters who cross it slip and spin out.

Final Smash: Taj's Grand Prix
Taj the Elephant will appear above the stage and wave a flag, at which point all racers from Diddy Kong Racing will race across the stage from the background to the foreground, some in cars, some in planes, and some in boats, each one covering a different level of the stage so nowhere is safe.

Entrance: probably just screeching onto the stage in the car.

Taunts: some of the characters' various victory taunts from the game and so on.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover a similar in concept character, Kalypso!

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