Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Character Sheet: Xananab (DK Handhelds)


And now, it's time to go through our characters once again. This time, most of them will just be a token effort as there really isn't anything new to add to most of the characters. However, for the sake of thoroughness, and to give myself the chance to get ahead on watching and taking notes on upcoming games so that I don't get behind, let's go through them anyway.

1. Donkey Kong (Revision)
2. Diddy Kong (Revision)
3. Dixie Kong (Revision)
4. King K. Rool (Revision)
5. Cranky Kong (Revision)
6. Funky Kong (Revision)
7. Kiddy Kong (Revision)
8. Kritter (Revision)
9. Krusha (Revision)
10. Klump (Revision)
11. Wrinkly Kong
12. Xananab

Xananab is a talking alien banana from the planet Plantaen, where everything is made of banana, but also crystal, and sometimes those bananas can mutate Kremlings into giant monsters. He came here in his banana shaped ship and helps Donkey and Diddy stop their enemies by teleporting them to a crystal dimension sometimes. And his name is Banana spelled backwards and starting with an X. How many drugs were the developers on when they created this character? All of them. Probably banana-flavored. Thanks for asking.

Now, I can't say this one was a surprise entry. Going into this whole thing, I had been aware of the character, although I had written him off as probably not going to get in, until I actually got to Jungle Climber, and realized "Oh, I guess he can do a bit." He has a ship that he flies around in. He has a teleporter device that he can use to create a wormhole. His ship drops carrot-shaped bombs for some reason. Crystal swords are used frequently in the game. And of course, Jungle Climber has a few mechanics unique to it that he can act as representative of. So . . . we get an alien banana as a playable character. Neat.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Crystal Dagger
Although not used frequently by Xananab himself, several enemies, including the bosses mutated by his crystal bananas, use them to swipe and stab at their opponent, so they can be linked to him too.

Side B: Carrot Bombs
Xananab will speed forward quickly, leaving behind a trail of carrot bombs that then burrow into the ground before exploding. These are based on his boss battle, though he drops them instead of his ship.

Up B: Feather and Leaf
This one is a mechanic unique to the game that I decided to attribute to him as a representative. One common item was a golden feather and a silver leaf, which when grabbed could be used as wings to fly around the stage without the need of pegs. Xananab will produce these items and fly into the sky for a short time with them.

Down B: Wormhole
Xananab will hold up his wormhole-creating device, which will launch a wormhole forward into the air. The wormhole will then act much like the Black Hole item in Smash, sucking up characters and items and keeping them trapped.

Final Smash: Banana Ship
Xananab will hop up into his banana-shaped spacecraft and it will move slowly across the top of the stage, dropping a constant stream of carrot bombs onto it.

Entrance: He will swirl out of a wormhole, probably shouting his iconic "Banana!" line as he does so.

Taunts: Whatever they are, I'm sure they will include his tic of repeating the last word of every sentence in a goofy manner.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's rearrange our roster once again.

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