Saturday, January 25, 2020

Character Sheet: Lanky Kong (DK Miscellaneous)


Let's kick off this final round of DK revisions. We have a few old ones to go over, mostly for thoroughness's sake, alongside four new additions to the roster. Let's see what we've got!

1. Donkey Kong (Revision)
2. Diddy Kong (Revision)
3. Dixie Kong (Revision)
4. King K. Rool (Revision)
5. Cranky Kong (Revision)
6. Funky Kong (Revision)
7. Wrinkly Kong (Revision)
8. Tiny Kong (Revision)
9. Lanky Kong (Revision)
10. Kritter (Revision)
11. Krusha (Revision)
12. Klump (Revision)
13. Timber
14. Kalypso
15. Wizpig
16. The Evil Kings

Lightning round! Lanky Kong appeared as one of the playable characters in Barrel Blast, probably his only non-DK 64 appearance. Sadly, his teammate Chunky did not join him and Tiny here. Perhaps BrentalFloss was right all along.

Here's his moveset:

Standard B: Grape Shooter

Side B: Multiple Slaps

Up B: Baboon Balloon

Down B: Orangutan Spin

Final Smash: Trombone Tremor

Entrance: Break out of a barrel.

Taunts: His "Hehe" sound effect certainly has to be included. I rather like how he stands when idle with his long arms crossed over the back of his head, and so on.

Thanks for reading! Next week, let's cover the Kremling crew!

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