Monday, January 20, 2020

Character Sheet: King K. Rool (DK Miscellaneous)


Let's kick off this final round of DK revisions. We have a few old ones to go over, mostly for thoroughness's sake, alongside four new additions to the roster. Let's see what we've got!

1. Donkey Kong (Revision)
2. Diddy Kong (Revision)
3. Dixie Kong (Revision)
4. King K. Rool (Revision)
5. Cranky Kong (Revision)
6. Funky Kong (Revision)
7. Wrinkly Kong (Revision)
8. Tiny Kong (Revision)
9. Lanky Kong (Revision)
10. Kritter (Revision)
11. Krusha (Revision)
12. Klump (Revision)
13. Timber
14. Kalypso
15. Wizpig
16. The Evil Kings

Lightning round! In some ways, this is kind of the end of the line for K. Rool and his appearances in anything. King K. Rool only appears as one of the playable characters in Barrel Blast, while Jungle Beat marks the first time a "mainline" DK title chose a different villain, omitting him entirely. So, I guess it goes without saying, there's not much to go off here.

Here's his moveset:

Standard B: Crown Toss

Side B: Blunderbuss

Up B: Propeller Pack

Down B: Belly Counter

Final Smash: Blast-o-Matic

Entrance: As he tends to just be waiting for you when you reach his battle, I guess him just dropping in looking smug is as decent as any other move.

Taunt: slapping his belly the way he does, biting at the screen, laughing maniacally, so on.

Thanks for reading! Now, let's cover Cranky Kong again!

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