Monday, February 12, 2024

Kirby's Dream Land


And we're back with the Kirby series now! Things are going to be a little bit different, hopefully go by a lot faster. We'll still do our little batches of games, then break them up with one big character sheet with the four moves + final for each character, and then do all the rest of the stuff as their own separate sheets, saving the individual posts for the Character Cards only instead. Hopefully that will work out, but we'll see. Also, something weird will be happening with the Copy Ability enemies specifically, but we'll cover that part later.

We start with Kirby's Dream Land for the Game Boy, one of the only games where King Dedede is an actual villain, having stolen all the food from Dream Land, requiring Kirby to go on an adventure to steal it all back. Kirby is our hero, a cute little puffball and world destroyer. He can inhale enemies, spit out stars, and float, but does not have his signature copy abilities quite yet.

His enemy is King Dedede, AKA Best Boi, who can inhale his enemies just like Kirby can, and he carries around a large hammer. He also likes to body slam Kirby and jump really high to come back down hard. The main bosses include Whispy Woods, a giant tree who drops apples and spits gusts of air; Lololo and Lalala, who like to kick blocks around; Kabula, a blimp with a cannon; and Kracko, a living cloud who shoots lightning and spawns enemies. Kracko Jr. should also be noted for having little orbs it can shoot out and being able to spin fast.

As for our enemies, we first meet: Waddle Dee and Waddle Doo, basic enemies, the latter armed with a beam attack and both capable of carrying parasols; Bronto Burts, the basic fliers; Cappies, little dancing mushrooms that throw their caps; The Poppy Bros. (Sr. and Jr.) who throw bombs, ride on balls and bears called Grizzoes, and perform flying kicks; Broom Hatters, who sweep; Gordos, living spikeballs; Glunks, sea anemones; Mumbies, floating mummy heads; Squishies, squids; Blippers, fish; Kabus, spinning Moai heads; Scarfies, cute little cat heads that turn dangerous; and Sir Kibbles, who throw boomerang blades from their helmets. After the more regular enemies, we have Bennies, Bloppers, Boolers, Cawcuns, Chuckies, Coners, Dizzies, Flappers, Flotzos, Gaspars, Grumples, Hurlies, Kooklers, Koozers, Mr. P. Umpkins, Peezers, Puffies, Skullers, Tookies, Twizzies, Two-Faces, Whiskers, and Wizzers, all of which are fairly basic.

As for stages, we have: Green Greens, the basic grassland stage; Castle Lololo, a haunted castle-type; Float Island, a beach level; Bubbly Clouds, a sky level; and Mt. Dedede, the final boss level. Our items, easier to quantify because they're not as tied in with the characters as the last two series, include 1-Ups, Maxim Tomatoes, Bombs, Invincible Candies, Mikes, Mint Leaves, Energy Drinks, Sparkling Stars, Superspicy Curry, and the Warp Star.

Here's what we've got so far:


Kirby: inhale, stars, float

King Dedede: inhale, hammer, body slam, super jump

Whispy Woods: apples, gusts of air

Lololo and Lalala: blocks

Kabula: cannon

Kracko: lightning, spawn enemies, orbs, spin

Waddle Dee: parasol

Waddle Doo: parasol, beam

Poppy Bros.: bombs, balls, Grizzo, flying kick

Broom Hatter

Sir Kibble


Green Greens

Castle Lololo

Float Island

Bubbly Clouds

Mt. Dedede



Maxim Tomato


Invincible Candy


Mint Leaf

Energy Drink

Sparkling Star

Superspicy Curry

Warp Star

Thanks for reading! Next up, we may be in for a Nightmare!

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