Monday, February 26, 2024

Kirby: Star Allies


Today, let’s cover Kirby: Star Allies for the Nintendo Switch. Star Allies is basically “the game where all the characters are playable,” including at least one representative guest star from each of the mainline Kirby games that came before. The plot follows a priest and his three priestesses performing a ritual to resurrect a powerful being, accidentally sending dark hearts across the galaxy and corrupting King Dedede and Meta Knight.

Kirby is the main character, as always, with most of his returning basics, as well as Friend Hearts that turn an enemy into an ally, with a few “Friend Attacks” that allow Kirby and all allies he’s recruited to do something together. His new copy abilities include Artist, which lets him swipe with a paint brush and create magical paintings; Festival, which starts an impromptu flash mob; Spider, which lets him sling webs and wrap up enemies; and Staff, which lets him jab enemies and use the staff like a pogo stick. These join Beam, Beetle, Bomb, Clean, Cook, Crash, Cutter, ESP, Fighter, Fire, Hammer, Ice, Mike, Ninja, Parasol, Plasma, Sleep, Stone, Suplex, Sword, Water, Whip, Wing, and Yo-Yo.

Kirby’s Star Allies are all common enemies (or mid-bosses), each representing a certain copy ability except for the single use ones like Crash, Sleep, and Festival. They are Beetley (Beetle), Bio Spark (Ninja), Birdon (Wing), Blade Knight (Sword), Bonkers (Hammer), Broom Hatter (Clean), Bugzzy (Suplex), Burnin’ Leo (Fire), Chef Kawasaki (Cook), Chilly (Ice), Como (Spider), Driblee (Water), Gim (Yo-Yo), Jammerjab (Staff), Knuckle Joe (Fighter), NESP (ESP), Parasol Waddle Dee (Parasol), Plugg (Plasma), Poppy Bros. Jr. (Bomb), Rocky (Stone), Sir Kibble (Cutter), Vividria (Artist), Waddle Doo (Beam), and Wester (Whip). I have already noted their full movesets on my own notes in the same place I’m keeping track of all representatives of a given moveset.

After the Star Allies, the DLC provided the Dream Friends, packs of three main characters from the entire mainline series’ history. We started with the standard King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandana Waddle Dee. Then we got Rick, Coo, and Kine together from Dream Land 2, Marx from Super Star, and Gooey from Dream Land 3; then Adeleine and Ribbon together from 64, Dark Meta Knight from the Amazing Mirror, and Daroach from the Squeak Squad; followed by Magolor from Return, Taranza from Triple Deluxe, and Susie from Robobot. The three Mage Sisters also become Dream Friends in the end, but I’ll be covering them in the main villain section. All of their movesets have likewise been noted.

Our main villains include Lord Hyness, the aforementioned priest, and his servants, the three Mage Sisters, as well as the demon of chaos they summon named Void Termina. You’d think the Mage Sisters would functionally be echoes of each other, just with different elements to their attacks, but their movesets are quite varied. Francisca, the ice sister, will stab forward, cause icicles to fall, freeze her enemies, sweep upward, throw her staff, and shoot a powerful water gun. Flamberge, the fire sister, will slash with a flaming sword, stab downwards, shoot a meteor, launch a fiery rocket, and blaze forward like a meteor. And finally, Zan Partizanne, the electric sister, will stab, perform a multi-stab attack, call down a lightning strike, start a lightning storm, summon up those Raijin drums on her back and shoot electricity from them, and fire off a super blast.

Lord Hyness is the unhinged priest the three serve. During his battle, he tosses out black energy orbs, summons magic spears, creates fiery pillars, calls down lightning, summons icy emblems, throws the Mage Sisters, uses a Mage Sister like a club, performs a Friend Circle with the sisters, and uses the sisters as shields. Void Termina, their “god,” will punch the ground, stomp to create shockwaves, attack with twin swords, and add an element to said swords, while his core will attack with magic letters and squirt blood (it is a very Dark Matter fight).

Our bosses include Whispy Woods once again, able to get bigger and send out waves of apples; Pon and Con returning, still with their children, still not doing much; Yggy Woods, an older, more powerful version of Whispy Woods; Goldon and Silvox, more powerful versions of Pon and Con; Grand Mam, an armored warrior with bombs on ropes; Kracko, as always (with a twin); Galacta Knight, briefly, before being replaced by the introduction of Morpho Knight, a butterfly-like Knight who can absorb enemies, teleport, slash, fire an energy wave, glide, send out butterfly ghosts, create sonic waves with its wings, summon tornadoes, slash a giant sword, spin, and counter.

Our mid-bosses include a big Bouncy, Bonkers, Bugzzy, Chef Kawasaki, Mr. Frosty, and Vividria. All but Big Bouncy and Mr. Frosty are Star Allies, but Frosty will provide a Chilly as an ally when defeated. Our non-copy enemies include the returning Kabu, Blado, Blipper, Bouncy, Bronto Burt, Cappy, Chip, Coner, Gabon, Glunk, Gordo, Grizzo, Key Dee, Mamatee, Nruff, Propeller, Scarfy, Squishy, Two-Face, and Waddle Dees (with their puppet armor), alongside newcomers like Anger Masker and Jambeliever.

Much like Super Star, this game’s story is broken up into smaller segments, and I’ll treat those as the stage possibilities. First we have “World of Peace – Dream Land,” a standard Kirby world from the beginning; then “World of Miracles – Planet Popstar” branching out to challenge Meta Knight after taking down Dedede; then “Fortress of Shadows – Jambastion” when the Mage Sisters finally arrive on their station; and “Far-Flung Starlight Heroes,” when the heroes chase the sisters into space.

And that’s about all we need. I’ll think about finding away to incorporate the friend abilities, if possible. Here’s what we’ve got so far:


Kirby: float, inhale, stars, copy abilities, Hypernova, Friend Hearts

Shadow Kirby

Robobot Armor: Beam, Bomb, Cutter, ESP, Fire, Ice, Jet, Mike, Parasol, Spark, Stone, Sword, Wheel, Halberd

King Dedede: float, inhale, hammer, body slam, charge hammer, spinning hammer, throw hammer

Masked Dedede: giant axe, spin, energy orbs, fire, missiles, shockwave, explosion

Meta Knight: sword, whirlwind, electric field, fire blast, slash, thrust, spin attack, sword beam, Shuttle Loop

Mecha Knight: laser sword, jetpack, lasers, missiles, scorpion tail

Bandana Waddle Dee: directional thrusts, multi-stab attack, helicopter spin, throw spear, items

Dark Meta Knight: sword, energy waves, tornado, spin, stab, thrust, slash, tornado, beams, mirror swords, copies

Galacta Knight: lance, shield, energy swords, dimensional rifts

Morpho Knight: absorb enemies, teleport, slash, energy wave, glide, butterfly ghosts, sonic waves, tornadoes, giant sword, spin, counter.

Daroach: teleport, drop bombs, ice beam, Triple Star Cane, Dark Daroach

Squeak Squad: Spinni, claws, ninja stars, Storo, body slam, hammer, Doc, UFO, lasers, drop bombs, Squeakers

Magolor: ship, energy orbs, boomerang wings, energy spheres, Sphere Doomers, black holes, star shield, Grand Crown

Landia: four smaller dragons, fireballs, electrical currents, windstorms, fly

Taranza: toss energy orbs, magic, fly, webs

Queen Sectonia: energy orbs, fly, rapier, lightning, illusions, teleport, Antlers, Flowered Sectonia

Susie: mech suit, spinning arms, drills, drones

President Haltmann: mech, drones, Susie-drones, money, leap, rubies, Yesmen, spin

Francisca: stab forward, icicles, freeze, sweep upward, throw staff, water gun

Flamberge: flaming sword, stab downwards, meteor, fiery rocket, blaze forward

Zan Partizanne: stab, multi-stab, lightning strike, lightning storm, Raijin drums, super blast.

Lord Hyness: black energy orbs, magic spears, fiery pillars, lightning, icy emblems, throw Mage Sisters, Mage Sister club, Friend Circle, meat shields

Dark Mind: teleport, star bullets, mirrors, disco ball, giant eye, lasers, enemies

Dark Nebula: fire, ice, and electric form, gigantic fireball, freezing beam, freeze on contact, four bolts, electrify stage borders

Star Dream: lasers, missiles, force fields, suction, giant cube

Void Termina: punch the ground, stomp to create shockwaves, twin swords, element swords, core, magic letters, squirt blood

King Golem: rocks, enemies

Moley: burrow, throw things

Kracko/Mecha-Kracko: lightning, rain, laser beams, enemies, spikes, twin

Mega Titan: fists, head, missiles

Gobbler: charge, smaller sharks

Wiz: hat

Master Hand and Crazy Hand: Smash guest stars

Mrs. Moley: dig, throw things, body slam

Yadogaine,: dig up rocks, mouth laser

Bohboh, fireballs, grab with talons

Whispy Woods: blow, fruit, inhale, chew, get bigger, waves of apples

Mr. Dooter: skulls and snakes, spin

Fatty Puffer: roll, spit water, inflate

Goriath: punch, ice, cling to walls, energy waves

Grand Doomer/Sphere Doomers: energy spheres, dimensional rift, armor, lightning, projectiles, rolling, charging

Metal General/Security Force: sword, bombs, missiles, HR-D3, homing rockets, shoot lasers, spin arms

Flowery Woods: pollen, gusts of air, roots, jumping, spinning blade flowers

Paintra: energy orbs, painting the screen, brush, spinning to toss paint, fire paint, draw, giant canvas

Coily Rattler: flaming rock, tail, leap, wrap, roll, projectile segments, bite

Pyribbit: spit fire, tongue, toss boulders, leap, waves of lava, eruption, lava

Gigavolt: giant arms

Clanky Woods: shoot missiles, fake canopy, drills, leap


Holo Defense API

Core Kabula

King Dedede clones: D3

Pon and Con

Yggy Woods

Goldon and Silvox

Grand Mam: bombs on ropes

Batafire: fly, spit fireballs

Bombar: missiles, bombs

Bonkers: hammer, leap, coconut, flying hammer spin

Box Boxer: punch, toss, energy blasts

Boxy: smaller presents

Mr. Frosty: ice cubes

Phan Phan: roll, toss, toss apples

Big Metalun, roll

Buboo: bubbles

Gao Gao: spin with claws, spin into air, drill

Tedhaun: mini-versions, grab

Dubior: fire sparks, energy shield, little minions

Gigant Edge: shield, sword charge

Kibble Blade

King Doo

Moundo: rolls around, crash from above

Water Galboros

Flame Galboros


Grand Wheelie

Hornhead: charge

Invader Armor: Robobot echo?

Telepathos: electric orbs, teleportation

Big Bouncy


Waddle Dee: gold form, swing, axe, armor, puppet, walkers

Copy Abilities:

Animal: claws, dig

Archer: arrows

Artist (Vividria): paint swipes, painting, Rock Painter, Still Life

Backdrop/Suplex (Bugzzy*): suplex, Friend Throw

Ball: bouncy ball

Beam (Waddle Doo*): sparkly whip, projectile blast, Flare Beam

Beetle (Beetley): fly, charge, grab, Friend Throw

Bell: sonic attack, throw bell

Bomb (Poppy Bros*): bombs, fireworks, dynamite, snowman bomb, Gordo, three missiles, lightbulb, exploding shurikens, ice bomb, thunder bomb

Bubble: capture enemies

Circus: juggle, hoops, acrobatics, ball, balloon animals

Clean (Broom Hatter): sweep, dust, feather duster, Coo feather duster, plunger, magic broom, dishrag, water bucket, Friend Super-Vac, Clean Curling

Cook (Chef Kawasaki): pot, suction, Cook Pot Luck, Supper Party

Copy (Tac): scan, copy

Crash: explode, Crash Rush

Cupid: wings, arrows

Cutter (Sir Kibble*): boomerang blade, Kirby, three darts, laser, axe, crescent beam, boomerang, flaming sword, animal buddy statues, ice skate, bear trap, exploding shurikens, giant boomerang

Doctor: pills, potions (fire, ice, electric, heal), medicine spray, bandages, clipboard

ESP (NESP): teleport, psychic shield, PK Thunder, Geo Kinesis

Festival: flash mob, Festival Dance

Fighter (Knuckle Joe*): martial arts moves, energy blast, Friend Throw

Fire/Fireball/Burning/Burn (Burnin' Leo*): fire breath, meteor, fireball, hot-air balloon, pillar of fire, giant fireball, giant winged fireball, volcanic rock, melting ice, fiery arrow, fireworks, tinder sheet, flaming sword, Monster Flame, Rising Sizzler

Ghost: possess enemies

Hammer (Bonkers*): swing, pound, Grand Hammer

Hi-Jump: jump

Ice/Freeze (Chilly*): cone of frost, snowman, icy breath, freeze, throw snowballs, propel upward, snow machine, melting ice, curling, giant snowball, giant snowflake, snowman bomb, refrigerator, ice skates, icy shield, Snow Bowl, Ice Curling, Icicle Lance

Jet (Capsule J): fly forward, jetpack

Laser: laser beam

Leaf: throw leaves, pile of leaves

Light: light up dark rooms

Magic: roulette wheel, doves, cards, jack-in-the-box

Metal: metal coating, roll, ground pound

Mike: sonic attack, Fatal Chorus

Mini: shrink

Mirror (Simirror): toss reflections, reflect attack, copies

Missile: missile

Needle: spikes, quills, spiky Kirby, shoot needles, shoot spike forward, dart, fiery arrow, drill, snowflake, lots of pointy things, Gordo, lightning rod, bear trap, shoot needles

Ninja (Bio Spark*): katana, shuriken, ninja abilities

Paint: splatter paint

Parasol (Parasol Waddle Dee*): float, attack, defend, bounce ball, spin attack, ride inside, pogo stick, golf club, Chumbrella

Plasma (Plasma Wisp, Plugg): electric blast, static (combine with Spark?), Thundersplash, Zap Slasher

Poison: spit poison, spew poison, smog cloud

Sleep: sleep

Smash: Super Smash Bros. moveset

Spark: electric field, Beam, lightning, lightbulb, laser, ball of static, remote control drone, tinder sheet, electric rock, refrigerator, lightning rod, lightbulb, force field, lightsaber, toss field

Spear: thrust, toss

Spider (Como): sling web, wrap up, Friend Bounce

Staff (Jammerjab): jab, pogo stick

Stone (Rocky*): heavy block, boulder, sink, divebomb, club, hammer, catapult, volcanic rock, rock skin, giant stone Kirby, curling, drill, dynamite, electric rock, animal buddy statues, stone fist, Curling, Geo Kinesis, Rock Painter

Sword (Blade Knight*): sword, spinning midair strike, Master (Meta Knight's abilities), beam attack, fire sword, ice sword, thunder sword, Ultra Sword

Throw: throw things

Tornado: spin, float

UFO: fly, shoot projectiles, various beams, tractor beam

Water (Driblee): spit water, surf, Surf Curling, Icicle Lance, Thundersplash, Zap Splasher

Wheel (Wheelie): roll really fast

Whip (Wester): strike, grab

Wing (Birdon*): fly, divebomb, shoot feathers, Rising Sizzler

Yo-Yo (Gim*): yo-yo attacks


Rainbow Route

Moonlight Mansion

Cabbage Cavern

Mustard Mountain

Carrot Castle

Olive Ocean

Peppermint Palace

Radish Ruins

Candy Constellation

Dimension Mirror

Prism Plains

Nature Notch

Cushy Cloud

Jam Jungle

Vocal Volcano

Ice Island

Secret Sea

Gamble Galaxy

Cookie Country

Raisin Ruins

Onion Ocean

White Wafers

Nutty Noon

Egg Engines

Dangerous Dinner

Another Dimension

Lor Starcutter

Fine Fields

Lollipop Land

Old Odyssey

Wild World

Endless Explosions

Royal Road

Eternal Dreamland


Patched Plains

Resolution Road

Overload Ocean

Gigabyte Grounds

Rhythm Route

Access Ark

Mind in the Program

World of Peace – Dream Land

World of Miracles – Planet Popstar

Fortress of Shadows – Jambastion

Far-Flung Starlight Heroes



Area Map



Energy Drink


Maxim Tomato



Sound Player

Spray Paint


World Map

Thanks for reading! Next up, did, um, did we just make post-apocalyptic Earth canon to the Kirby universe?

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