Thursday, February 29, 2024

Kirby Copy Ability Bonanza


And now, we finally come to our copy ability assessment. As we've covered basically everything there is to cover that actually uses copy abilities, we can now go through the copy abilities, their representatives, and the moves attributed to each and determined whether they will be represented, and who will be their representatives.

We begin with ANIMAL, featured in one game, represented by Gaw Gaw and Gao Gao, and really was only a digging ability. The answer is NO.

Next we have ARCHER, appearing twice, both times represented by Spynum. Really all you could do was shoot arrows. The answer is NO.

Next, we have ARTIST, represented in playable form by the mid-boss Vividria in Star Allies. Even though the moveset is limited, she shares enough in common with Paintra that my answer is YES.

Then we have BACKDROP or SUPLEX represented three times and in playable form by Bugzzy, as well as Jukid once. Between his moveset and add-ons from his boss fight, the answer is YES. (for Bugzzy only. Jukid doesn't share enough in common with him)

BALL was represented once by Bubbles, and all you could really do was bounce. NO.

BEAM has been represented eight times by Waddle Doo, including in playable appearances, as well as twice by King Doo and once by Laser Ball and Gemra each, and has had more than enough for me to say YES. (For Waddle Doo only)

BEETLE has been represented three times by Beetley and once by the mid-boss Hornhead. My answer is YES, for both as echoes.

BELL is a sonic and projectile ability provided once by Ringle. NO.

BOMB has been represented seven times by the Poppy Bros. and six times by Foley, as well as one-offs by Jungle Bomb, Blowfish, Pedo, Rockn, Skud, and Balloon-Meister. It has also had way more than enough. My answer is YES. (Poppy Bros. have enough to have a moveset all their own. Foley will act as the direct representative).

BUBBLE is represented once by Bubble Head and Buboo and is a fairly limited power. NO.

CIRCUS has been represented by the Clown Acrobot twice and is a quite versatile ability. YES.

CLEAN has been represented twice and in playable form by Broom Hatter, as well as once by Keke, Haboki, and Bukiset. YES, but only for Broom Hatter.

COOK has been represented twice by the mid-boss Chef Kawasaki and once by Cookin. Only through Kawasaki's boss fights does this have enough, so YES, but only for him.

COPY appeared once, represented in Helper form by Tac, who had just enough to get by. YES.

CRASH is a single use ability that just blows things up, represented six times by Bomber, twice by Searches, and once by Scarfy for some reason. NO.

CUPID is a fairly limited move that provides wings and arrows to shoot, represented twice by Cupie. NO.

CUTTER is one of the most recurring abilities in the series, represented eleven times by Sir Kibble, twice by Kapa, and once each by Load Kibble, Waiu, Bukiset, Fishbone, Sawyer, Jackle, and Kibble Blade. Clearly Sir Kibble is the rightful representative, so YES. Also Waiu's mid-boss fight was enough for me to say yes as well.

DOCTOR is another single appearance moveset represented by Chemitory that was surprisingly versatile. YES.

DRILL didn't have quite enough for me, being represented in Forgotten Land by Digguh. NO.

ESP was represented by NESP twice including as a playable ally, and once by the mid-boss Telepathos. I will say YES to NESP. Telepathos's boss fight wasn't a lot.

FESTIVAL is a single use ability like Crash, represented by Don Puffle. NO.

FIGHTER has been represented five times by Knuckle Joe and is always versatile. It was also represented twice by the mid-boss Box Boxer and the enemy Boxin, as well as Iron Mom. YES, for Knuckle Joe and Box Boxer as an echo.

FIRE and/or FIREBALL and/or BURNING and/or BURN has far and away surpassed the requirements to get in. It has been represented seven times by Hot Head, but for some reason represented two playable times by Burnin' Leo, as well as three times by the rolling wheel Flamers, twice by Galbo or Galboros, and other times by Moley, Prank, Acchi, and Guard. Clearly it is a YES to Hot Head and Burnin' Leo as echoes. Also Galbo/Galboros will appear several times across this list, so I'm going to say yes on its own moveset.

GHOST is a very limited ability represented once by Tedhaun. NO.

HAMMER has been almost unilaterally represented by Bonkers in nine games as a mid-boss, with only two others, Heavy Mole and Mookie, providing it once in the entire series. Clearly, it's a YES to him.

HI-JUMP has been represented three times by Starman, but it only provides you a big jump. NO.

ICE or FREEZE has been used nine times by Chilly and eight times by Mr. Frosty, with Pengy coming in at three times, and Wappa, Yuki, Emp, Frigis, Propeller, Prank, Snowl, Goriath, and Corori all providing it once. Since Mr. Frosty is a mid-boss and does tend to vary a bit, he can have a moveset to himself, while I say YES to Chilly and Pengy as echoes.

JET has been represented by Capsule J once as a helper, and by Capsule J2 as well. Even with the helper, it's still far too limited. NO.

LASER has been represented three times by Laser Ball and once by Metal Guardian, but its really just a single laser beam. NO.

LEAF has been represented by Leafan three times and Bulby once, and it just gives you an attack move and a hiding move. NO.

LIGHT was represented once by Cool Spook and did one thing. NO.

MAGIC has been represented twice by Boxy, and in its second appearance proved quite versatile. YES, and I am tempted to make the boss Wiz an echo for Boxy considering he did most of that.

METAL was represented once by Metalun and was just kind of a knockoff Stone. NO.

MIKE has been represented six times by Walky and once by Mr. Tick-Tock, but it has never been much more than a sonic blast. NO.

MINI was represented once by Minnie and only shrunk you. NO.

MIRROR proved quite a bit more versatile in its second appearance, and has been represented by Simirror both times. YES.

MISSILE was represented once by Bang Bang and Bombar, and gave you a missile to shoot. NO.

NEEDLE is another that has been everywhere. It was represented four times by Tick, twice by Togezo, Captain Stitch, Needlous, and Totenga, and once by Spikey, Boten, Ghost Knight, Kacti, Punc, and Jabhog. There's also Gordo who really feels like it should be here, but its not. I'm going to say YES, and give it to Tick and Captain Stitch, who was basically a mid-boss version of a Gordo.

NINJA was represented four times by Moonja and three times by Bio Spark, including as a playable ally. Naturally, YES with Bio Spark and Moonja as echoes.

PAINT might as well be artist, and it didn't do much and only came from Ghameleo Arm and Heavy Lobster as mid-bosses. NO.

PARASOL has been represented by Parasol Waddle Dee four times but also four times by just general parasols, twice by the mid-boss Jumpershoot, and once by Floaty the Drifter, Sasuke, Klinko, and Parasol Waddle Doo. YES for Parasol Waddle Dee and Jumpershoot, I think.

POISON was kinda close, but only represented once by Venog and Miasmoros, a poison Galboros. You know, I think I'm just going to incorporate those moves into the Galbo/Galboros moveset. Yeah, I think I like that.

RANGER was represented by Bernard in Forgotten Land and did not have quite enough for me. NO.

SLEEP has been represented nine times by Noddy, but has always basically been "the hazard copy." So, NO.

SMASH is Kirby's moveset from Smash Bros. provided by Master Hand or an amiibo. NO.

As far as I'm concerned, SPARK and PLASMA are the exact same thing. Spark has been represented nine times by Sparky, while Plasma only appeared in the two helper games, represented by Plasma Wisp and Plugg respectively. Plugg also provided Spark in its other appearance. Elec and Dubior have provided it twice, while Master Green, Bobin, Spark-i, Turbite, Zoos, Covered Looker, and Haltworker all provided it once. YES for Sparky and Plugg as echoes.

SPEAR doesn't do much, represented by Pierce and Lanzer twice, and well represented by Bandana Waddle Doo. I'm satisfied with him. NO.

SPIDER was represented by Como as an ally in Star Allies, whose moveset had more than enough. YES.

STAFF likewise was represented by Jammerjab in Star Allies, whose moveset was more than enough. YES.

STONE was represented ten times by Rocky including in Star Allies, with Blocky providing it four times. After that, Gansan, Girn, Hack, Pomey, Golem, and Moundo all provided it. Clearly, YES for Rocky and Blocky as echoes.

SWORD has been provided by Blade Knight seven times, including as an ally, three times by Sword Knight (who I consider the same as Blade Knight), three times by the mid-boss Gigant Edge, three technically by Meta Knight, twice by Heavy Knight, and once by Gobbler and Sodory. I will say YES to Blade Knight, with Sword and Heavy Knight mixed in there, and Gigant Edge as maybe a semi-clone.

THROW was a very limited moved provided by Rolling Turtle, Phan Phan, and Bun, once each. NO.

TORNADO has been represented five times by Twister and once by the mid-boss Fleurina, and I think we've gotten just enough out of it. YES, to both as echoes.

UFO has been represented by, well, UFO four times, and has managed to get just enough there. You'd think Dubior as well, but apparently not. I'm still going to say YES, and give Dubior a moveset as well.

WATER has been represented by Driblee as a Star Ally, and by Pluid, a water form of Galbo, and Floaty once each in other games. YES to Driblee.

WHEEL has been represented six times by Wheelie and twice by Grand Wheelie, and I could have sworn it was playable in Star Allies but apparently not. It's not in my notes at all. And without that moveset, it really didn't have enough so far, so NO.

WHIP was represented by Wester twice and as an ally in Star Allies, but three times by Whippy. The moveset from Star Allies was just enough, so YES to both as echoes.

WING has proven itself well enough and has been represented three times by Birdon, including as an Ally, as well as once by Owgulf. I will say YES for Birdon.

YO-YO has been a helper or ally twice by Gim and he's had enough moves with it to work. So, YES.

And that's it. I will have to math it, but I think that surpasses a hundred, so the roster might have to be split. Maybe by character vs. enemy type? We will see how it goes tomorrow.

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