Friday, February 16, 2024

Kirby's Dream Land 3


Next up, we have Kirby's Dream Land 3 for the SNES. This one is very similar to its prequel, with Dark Matter returning to Pop Star, this time extending his tendrils to each of the planet's five points to conquer it. Kirby heads out with six animal buddies this time, as well as his friend Gooey, a piece of friendly Dark Matter.

Kirby is our playable character with all the same basic moves he's accustomed to, while Gooey acts as Player 2, using a tongue version of Kirby's various moves. They can both use copy abilities, this time being: Burning, Clean (which lets them sweep dust with a broom), Cutter, Ice, Needle, Parasol, Spark, and Stone. They also can use the Love-Love Stick, with Gooey transforming into "Mock Matter" to do so.

Rick, Coo, and Kine return, bringing with them Chuchu the Octopus, Nago the Cat, and Pitch the bird. Chuchu rides on Kirby's head, Nago carries Kirby in its arms, and Pitch is held by Kirby. Rick's remain the same for all returning moves, while Clean gives him a feather duster. Coo's do to, while Clean turns him into a feather duster. Kine's likewise remain the same, but Clean gives him a plunger. As for sweet Chuchu (my favorite), Burning turns her into a hot-air balloon, Clean gives her a magic broom, Cutter turns her into an axe, Ice lets her throw snowballs, Needle lets her shoot out needles, Parasol lets her ride around in it while it spins, Spark shoots a laser from her tentacle, and Stone will let her swing Kirby around like a club. As for Nago, Burning creates a pillar of fire, Clean lets him push Kirby along the ground like a rag, Cutter creates a crescent energy beam, Ice propels him into the air, Needle shoots spikes forward, Parasol lets them use a pogo stick, Spark turns Kirby into a ball of static, and Stone turns Kirby into a hammer. And finally for Pitch, Burning turns him into a giant fireball, Clean turns him into a bucket full of water to be splashed, Cutter turns him into a boomerang, Ice turns him into a snow machine, Needle sends him flying forward like a dart, Parasol gets him treated like a golf ball, Spark turns him into a remote control drone, and Stone sends him launching into the air and then back down hard.

King Dedede returns as a boss, controlled by Dark Matter again. The first half of his battle is standard, but the second half sees him sprouting a mouth and eye from his belly that shoots dark orbs (seriously wtf, Kirby series?). Dark Matter is our main villain, shooting beams and tossing orange spheres at Kirby. After he is defeated, you face Dark Matter's core Zero, a giant eyeball that squirts blood at you, summons mini-Dark Matters, and bursts its iris and pupil out of the rest of it (seriously, wtf, Kirby series?!).

As for our bosses, Whispy Woods returns, shooting air, spitting vegetables, and . . . uprooting himself and walking around. Well, there goes that final barrier for roster inclusion. Welcome aboard. Acro is a killer whale who spits things at Kirby and tries to ram into him. Pon and Con are a raccoon and fox that just kinda wander around with their babies in tow. Adeleine, or I guess Ado in this game, is a young painter who can make her paintings come to life. These paintings include Ice Dragon, Sweet Stuff, Shine & Bright, and Kracko from Dream Land 2, with all the same basic stuff.

The mini-bosses include Blocky again, a big ball of fire named Boboo, Captain Stitch, a giant sweeping broom named Haboki, Jumpershoot, and a snowman named Yuki that throws its head at you. Our non-copy enemies include: Kabu, Blipper, Bouncy, Bronto Burt, Cappy, Gabon, Glunk, Gordo, Kany, Mumbies, Nruff, Poppy Bros, Propeller, Scarfy, Squishy, and Waddle Dees with rafts and ghostly jars, alongside newcomers Apolo, Babut, Batamon, Como, Corori, Dogon, Doka, Joe, Loud, Madoo, Mariel, Mopoo, Mony, Nidoo, Oro, Pacto, Pesara, Peloo, Peran, Polof, Popon, Pteran, Yabon, and Zebon.

Our stages this time include Grass Land, a basic stage; Ripple Field, a beach area; Sand Canyon, a desert area; Cloudy Park, a sky level; Iceberg, a snow level; and Hyper Zone, the area inside of Dark Matter.

That should be it! Here's everything we've got so far:


Kirby: inhale, stars, float, copy abilities, Love-Love Stick

King Dedede: inhale, hammer, body slam, super jump, eggs, bombs, float, Dark Matter mouth and eye

Meta Knight: sword, slash, stab downward, cape shield, fly, disappear, spin, twister, beams

Bandana Waddle Dee: punch down

Gooey: health, Girl Blob, tongue, Burning, Clean, Cutter, Ice, Needle, Parasol, Spark, Stone, Love-Love Stick, Mock Matter

Rick: fire breath, throw Kirby, snowman, quills, bounce Kirby ball, Beam ability, rolling boulder, feather duster

Coo: meteor, feather darts, ice breath, spiky Kirby, spin attack, lightning blast, divebomb, become feather duster

Kine: fireball, laser, freeze water, spikes, shield, lightbulb, sink, plunger

Chuchu: hot-air balloon, magic broom, axe, throw snowballs, shoot out needles, ride in parasol, laser, club

Nago: pillar of fire, dishrag, crescent energy beam, propel into the air, shoot spikes, pogo stick, ball of static, hammer

Pitch: giant fireball, bucket of water, boomerang, snow machine, dart, golf ball, remote control drone, catapult

Meta Knights: axe, mace, javelin, trident

Nightmare: orb, stars, crescents, float, sweep around, cape shield

Dark Matter: sword, shooting beams, energy orb, true form, dark beams, orbs, King Dedede mouth

Zero: squirts blood, mini-Dark Matters, burst the iris

Marx: ball, wings, drop orbs, lightning, burrow, teleport, light arrows, throw up big ball, black hole

Whispy Woods: apples, gusts of air, roots, twin, caterpillars, spit vegetables, walk

Lololo and Lalala: blocks

Kabula: cannon

Kracko: lightning, spawn enemies, orbs, spin, beams

Paint Roller: draw items

Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright: take turns, fire, moon boomerangs, roll, falling stars, meteors, stars, eclipse

Heavy Mole: dig, claw, shoot missiles.

Nruff and Nelly: charge

Sweet Stuff: bites, shoots lasers, summons enemies

Ice Dragon: launch into air, icy breath, kick icy spikes, pound the ground to make icicles

Dynablade: fly, beak, talons, swoop really fast, projectiles, eggs

Fatty Whale: rolls, blowhole, body slams

Computer Virus: D&D RPG game

Chameleo Arm: tongue, claws

Wham Bam Rock: stone hands

Heavy Lobster: fire, charges, minions

Acro: spits things, ram, swim

Pon and Con

Adeleine/Ado: paintings, Ice Dragon, Sweet Stuff, Shine & Bright, Kracko

Mr. Frosty: charge, blocks of ice, freeze, swallow, spit

Mr. Tick Tock: sonic blasts, music notes

Bugzzy: grab, slam, fly, ladybugs

Bonkers: hammer, jump, run, coconuts

Rolling Turtle: roll, throw shell

Fire Lion: pounce, chew, fireball

Blocky: jump, crash

Captain Stitch: shoot spikes

Efreeti: meteor

Jumpershoot: jump, spin, sandals

Master Green: lightning, electrical field

Waiu: cutter blades, katana, burning stars, jump quickly

Chef Kawasaki: extendable pan, pot, throwing plates

Iron Mam: extendo-punches

Jukid: energy blasts, grab and slam


Haboki: sweep, slam

Yuki: throw head

Waddle Dee: parasol

Waddle Doo: parasol, beam

Poppy Bros.: bombs, balls, Grizzo, flying kick

Broom Hatter

Sir Kibble

Copy Abilities:

Backdrop/Suplex (Bugzzy): suplex

Ball: bouncy ball

Beam (Waddle Doo): sparkly whip, projectile blast

Bomb (Poppy Bros): bombs

Clean: sweep, dust, feather duster, Coo feather duster, plunger, magic broom, dishrag, water bucket

Cook: pot, suction

Copy (Tac): scan, copy

Crash: explode

Cutter (Sir Kibble): boomerang blade, Kirby, three darts, laser, axe, crescent beam, boomerang

Fighter (Knuckle Joe): martial arts moves, energy blast

Fire/Fireball/Burning (Burnin' Leo): fire breath, meteor, fireball, hot-air balloon, pillar of fire, giant fireball

Hammer (Bonkers): swing, pound

Hi-Jump: jump

Ice/Freeze (Chilly): cone of frost, snowman, icy breath, freeze, throw snowballs, propel upward, snow machine

Jet (Capsule J): fly forward

Laser: laser beam

Light: light up dark rooms

Mike: sonic attack

Mirror (Simirror): toss reflections, reflect attack

Needle: spikes, quills, spiky Kirby, shoot needles, shoot spike forward, dart

Ninja (Bio Spark): katana, shuriken, ninja abilities

Paint: splatter paint

Parasol (Parasol Waddle Dee): float, attack, defend, bounce ball, spin attack, ride inside, pogo stick, golf club

Plasma (Plasma Wisp): electric blast, static (combine with Spark?)

Sleep: sleep

Spark: electric field, Beam, lightning, lightbulb, laser, ball of static, remote control drone

Stone (Rocky): heavy block, boulder, sink, divebomb, club, hammer, catapult

Sword (Blade Knight): sword, spinning midair strike

Throw: throw things

Tornado: spin, float

UFO: fly, shoot projectiles

Wheel (Wheelie): roll really fast

Wing (Birdon): fly, divebomb, shoot feathers

Yo-Yo (Gim): yo-yo attacks


Green Greens

Castle Lololo

Float Island

Bubbly Clouds

Mt. Dedede

Vegetable Valley

Ice Cream Island

Butter Building

Grape Garden

Yogurt Yard

Orange Ocean

Rainbow Resort

Fountain of Dreams

Grass Land

Big Forest

Ripple Field


Red Canyon

Cloudy Park

Dark Castle

Spring Breeze

Dyna Blade('s Mountain?)

Gourmet Race

The Great Cave Offensive

The Revenge of Meta Knight (Battleship Halberd)

Milky Way Wishes (Nova)

The Arena



Maxim Tomato


Invincible Candy


Mint Leaf

Energy Drink

Sparkling Star

Superspicy Curry

Warp Star


Star Rod

Point Star

Rainbow Drop

Grass Land

Ripple Field

Sand Canyon

Cloudy Park


Hyper Zone

Thanks for reading! Next up,

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