Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Character Sheet: President Koopa


Today, let us begin a new era of character sheets. Not video game characters this time, but characters appearing in the Super Mario-based movies. We only have a few, but each was distinct enough on their own or from their video game counterparts to warrant a character slot of their own. Let's take a look:

1. Film Mario

2. Film Luigi

3. Film Daisy

4. Prince Haru

5. President Koopa

6. Film Goomba

7. Big Bertha

Today, let's cover the film version of King Koopa, as portrayed by Dennis Hopper. Now, much like his costar Bob Hoskins, Dennis is no longer around to do any kind of reprisal, but for now this is all theoretical. As far as the character, he is vastly different from the Bowser of the games, specifically in that he is "human" for most of the movie and just descended from dinosaurs. At the end of the movie, he becomes . . . something like the game version of Bowser, but it doesn't last very long.

His main weapon of choice is his de-evolution gun and machine, devices designed specifically to reverse the evolution process, rendering its victims as simple apes, fungi, or shrunken-headed dinosaur things. He also uses a regular gun, rides in what I think was supposed to be his Klown Kar but comes across as just a cement bucket, and is, for some reason, a massive germaphobe constantly applying disinfectant to himself. Another major component that could be added in is his two cousins/henchmen, Iggy and Spike, who while not quite doing enough to get in themselves, could contribute to his own.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Devo Gun

Of course, his standard move would be his de-evolution ray. Not quite certain how it would work with all characters, but I imagine just a quick hit would simply stun them and knock them back, while a prolonged hit might revert characters to old retro forms or something (Mario to 8-bit Mario?) and greatly minimize their capabilities.

Side B: Iggy and Spike

Koopa will point forward. Iggy and Spike will appear in the direction he points, immediately clubbing any characters near them and knocking them out temporarily.

Up B: Klown Kar

His "Klown Kar" of sorts will raise him up into the air for a short time, moving somewhat slowly and clunkily.

Down B: Disinfectant

This one will be a healing move. I imagine it will be a bit more like Mario and Luigi's cleaning process, where they are sprayed with disinfectant, rather than the bath of disinfectant he takes, but basically he will douse himself and heal himself of damage.

Final Smash: Devo Machine OR Tyrannosaurus Rex

He has two strong options for the final smash here. In one, he will strike an opponent and activate a cutscene, during which the victim is strapped into his de-evolution machine and transformed, emerging as a Goomba in the characters' clothes. In the other, he transforms into his T-Rex form and actually gets the chance to romp around the stage.

Entrance: He'll emerge from the portal with two guards at his side.

Taunts: Up, he might hold up a "Vote for Koopa" sign. Side, he'll point and say "Monkey!" Down, he'll cringe at touching another fighter, pull out a bottle of disinfectant and rub it on his hands.

Thanks for reading! Next up, his faithful minions, the Goombas!

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