Monday, July 12, 2021

Character Sheet: Film Daisy


Today, let us begin a new era of character sheets. Not video game characters this time, but characters appearing in the Super Mario-based movies. We only have a few, but each was distinct enough on their own or from their video game counterparts to warrant a character slot of their own. Let's take a look:

1. Film Mario

2. Film Luigi

3. Film Daisy

4. Prince Haru

5. President Koopa

6. Film Goomba

7. Big Bertha

Today, let's cover the movie version of Princess Daisy, as portrayed by Samantha Mathis. Now, much like her costar John, Samantha is still around and still likewise acting, but whether she reprised or not is neither here nor there. Now, within the film, Daisy is held captive most of the time, but she is still active, especially when escaping in the latter end of the movie, when she uses a fire extinguisher to ward off enemy soldiers. There are a couple more things that can also be attached to her, first being her father transfigured into the fungus growing all over the city. Certainly everything he does could be used by her, because he seems like a good dad. Secondly, Yoshi is constantly in her presence during his screen time, and he doesn't do enough to be a separate character. Finally, she has her crystal, which, when pressed into the meteorite it came from, would merge the two worlds within the movie.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Special Gun

This one will be largely based on the weapon she stepped into the Mario brothers' apartment wielding. Now, we never quite get to see what it does, but going on the theory that any kind of story mode for their characters would follow up on the movie's sequel hook, I think it wouldn't be a crime to integrate it into her moves.

Side B: Yoshi

For this move, she'd send out Yoshi, who'd lunge at their opponent and clamp down on them with his powerful jaws.

Up B: Fungus

This one will be based on the bouncy fungus that the Mario brothers use in the movie, working on the theory that her fungified father would be helping her out.

Down B: Fire Extinguisher

For her down special, she'll whip out the fire extinguisher she uses and fire off a blast right in her opponent's face. It won't do much damage, but will disorient them for a second.

Final Smash: Meteorite Crystal

She will pull out her necklace crystal and plunge it into the meteorite which will appear at her feet. Doing so will cause several of the effects that happened to both worlds when she did. It might even insta-kill some characters who get too close, the way it did Lena in the movie.

Entrance: She will emerge from the portal just like in the movie.

Taunts: Up, she'll hold up her gun and cock it. Side, she'll examine some of her archaeology tools. Down, she'll kneel and pet Yoshi for a second.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover Prince Haru from the anime movie!

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