Saturday, July 10, 2021

Character Sheet: Film Luigi


Today, let us begin a new era of character sheets. Not video game characters this time, but characters appearing in the Super Mario-based movies. We only have a few, but each was distinct enough on their own or from their video game counterparts to warrant a character slot of their own. Let's take a look:

1. Film Mario

2. Film Luigi

3. Film Daisy

4. Prince Haru

5. President Koopa

6. Film Goomba

7. Big Bertha

Today, let's cover Mario's brother Luigi, as portrayed in the live action film by John Leguizamo. Now, as of this moment, John is available to reprise the role, but whether he would or not is neither here nor there. And, no, I don't know how Bob Hoskins and John Leguizamo could be brothers. Their parents must have waited a looooong time between kids. It could happen, I guess. Either way, there's not particularly enough differentiation between the brothers' abilities, so I feel it's best they be echo fighters of each other.

Either way, here's his moveset:

Standard B: Bullet Bill

Luigi, being younger and sprier could probably be a bit more flashy with the move, somewhat akin to the difference between Fox and Falco.

Side B: Drill

Same, just faster, quicker with it.

Up B: Super Boots

He'd probably jump higher with them, just like his video game counterpart.

Down B: Mushroom Shield

Now, Luigi never uses this one, but it's probably fine. The king helped him as much as Mario.

Final Smash: Bob-Omb

Oh, he's absolutely going to be more cavalier with this one than his brother will.

Entrance: The plumbing truck will break down and he'll step out, probably looking a little embarrassed.

Taunts: Up, he'll jump into the air excitedly. Side, he'll try to pull out his plunger and fumble with it a little. Down, he'll trip and fall down on his butt.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover the film's version of Princess Daisy!

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