Friday, July 9, 2021

Character Sheet: Film Mario


Today, let us begin a new era of character sheets. Not video game characters this time, but characters appearing in the Super Mario-based movies. We only have a few, but each was distinct enough on their own or from their video game counterparts to warrant a character slot of their own. Let's take a look:

1. Film Mario

2. Film Luigi

3. Film Daisy

4. Prince Haru

5. President Koopa

6. Film Goomba

7. Big Bertha

First up, we have the live action film version of Mario, as played by Bob Hoskins. Now, obviously, Bob is no longer available to reprise the role for motion capture or voice work, but that's not what we're here for. This is all hypothetical. And if you've ever seen the movie, you know well enough that Bob's rendition of Mario would play vastly differently from his video game counterpart.

First off, Bob's Mario is an older man who's a bit world weary, and therefore more likely to be slower and not quite as active. He has a much greater emphasis on plumbing than his game version, using a plunger, wrench, and drill at different points in the film, both for its intended purpose and as a weapon. Later in the film, he gains equipment from Big Bertha, including the Super Boots that allow him to leap high into the air and can shoot a Bullet Bill from the toe. He uses a Bob-Omb at one point, and receives support from the Mushroom King, being bounced by some of his fungus and using a mushroom as a shield. Finally, he uses President Koopa's de-evolution gun against him in the final battle.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Bullet Bill

Mario will kick his foot up and fire off a Bullet Bill right in the face of an opponent, which will then explode and do damage.

Side B: Drill

He'll pull his drill from his belt and start it up, doing damage to anyone the bit connects with. His plunger and wrench will be covered in the A button controls.

Up B: Super Boots

Mario's super boots will fire up and he will leap high into the air and away from danger. The jets will do some damage.

Down B: Mushroom Shield

He will pull out a tiny mushroom and hold it up in front of his face. When an attack connects with it, it will expand to block it and ricochet it back at the opponent that fired it.

Final Smash: Bob-Omb

He will pull the fuse on a Bob-Omb and throw it. The Bob-Omb will walk forward for a moment, its fuse running down to the end. Finally, it will stop and explode, blowing up everyone in the vicinity.

Entrance: His plumbing truck will break down and he'll step out.

Taunts: Up, he'll hold up his plunger and shout "Ha-ha!" Side, he'll pull out his wrench and mess with the settings for a second. Down, he'll rub his back and say he's getting too old for this stuff.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover his brother and echo fighter!

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