Friday, July 2, 2021

Character Sheet: Best Fitness Friends


Today, let's go over the last batch of characters that video games are going to give us, at any rate. Obviously there will be many more offered up by the movies, television series, manga, comics, and other media, but that's it for the games. This time, we have five, appearing across the Mario, Yoshi, and Mario RPG rosters. They are:

1. Cat Mario

2. Mr. Blizzard

3. Team Captains

4. Best Fitness Friends

5. Poochy

Today, let's cover the Best Fitness Friends, a trio of original characters created as the main villains of the Bowser Jr.'s Journey expansion, minions of Fawful who's specific role it was in his master plan to take over Bowser's Castle while Fawful and Midbus were dealing with Peach's Castle. The trio is made up of Dieter, Kaley, and Beef, and follow a similar design concept as the minions, with Dieter as the long-range fighter (and leader), Kaley as the aerial fighter, and Beef as the melee fighter.

In battle, the three have a bunch of their own specific attacks to use, and then some combined attacks we'll talk about in a second. Dieter flicks rubber bands as his main attack, but can also give his allies a boost with malatone formula, and can create doppelgangers of himself. Beef can launch a huge fire punch and can trap enemies in barrels. Kaley will spin, divebomb her enemies and let out a screech. In their final battle, the three will combine into one giant being (obvious final smash) that can throw fire and lightning, charge forward, fire a laser beam, and whip up a cyclone.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Fire Punch

I've mostly decided not to follow my logic I used for the Team Captains and am mostly just having the three work in tandem with each other. This move will have Beef launch forward with a massive fire punch.

Side B: Barrel

This one also is mostly tied to Beef, and pulls from a move used frequently within the cutscenes. Basically Beef will pull out a large barrel and slam it down in front of him, trapping anyone caught in the move inside the barrel for a short time.

Up B: Kaley Spin

Kaley, being the air fighter, of course covers this one. Beef will grab onto her feet, and Dieter will grab Beef's back, as Kaley does her signature spin move, carrying the trio high into the air.

Down B: Malatone Formula

This one pulls from the formula that formed a major part of the Friends' plans to take over Bowser's Castle. Dieter will pull out a vial of formula and throw it on Beef, giving him a boost in strength and speed.

Final Smash: Monster Form

The three Friends will combine into their final boss form, first charging forward and leaving cyclones behind them, and then they will turn and fire off a laser blast at those caught in the cyclones.

Entrance: The three will do their signature poses.

Taunts: Up, Kaley will spin and do her flashy move. Side, Beef will do his signature flashy move. Down, Dieter will do his.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we finish off with Poochy!

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