Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Character Sheet: Rosalina & Luma (Main 3D Games)


Now, let's move on to all newcomers to the roster, either by being introduced in these last five games, or by finally gaining enough source material to be upgraded to the status of playable character. In the end, my count is thirteen new characters, two of whom are echo fighters.

8e. Toadette
17e. King Boo
24. F.L.U.D.D. Mario
25. Rosalina & Luma
26. Cappy
27. Bowser Jr.
28. Shadow Mario
29. Pianta
30. Blooper
31. Monty Mole
32. Honeybee
33. Petey Piranha
34. The Broodals

Alright, today let's cover the space princess Rosalina and her army of Star Babies, the Lumas, made famous by the Super Mario Galaxy games. Now, while Rosalina herself doesn't really do much in the games, mostly acting as a tutorial NPC throughout the first game and having a cameo in the second, she is intrinsically linked with the Lumas, who provide much of the unique gimmick of these two games.

In the Galaxy games, Mario moves much as he does in other 3D games, but thanks to the Lumas, and by extension Rosalina, he can do so much more. The Lumas themselves can eat or spit star bits, and one of their most helpful moves is the ability to spit star bits from above at enemies, removing some potential threats. They also transform, turning into various objects such as pull stars, warp stars, planets, and bunnies, allowing Mario access to various items and means of reaching new areas. This can all be considered. Also, as we are talking about the Galaxy games, the strange effects surrounding gravity and physics in the game could also be considered, giving some credence to Rosalina's current Down B.

Here is the moveset I came up with, though it mostly sticks true to her Smash moveset, as the team did a really good job of fully representing everything I would have represented:

Standard B: Luma Shot
This one lets Rosalina summon a Luma or send it forward in order to function separately from her, the way they do in Super Smash Bros. Another option might be the spin Mario does frequently throughout the Galaxy games, though that also seems to have some elements of Gravitational Pull to it.

Side B: Star Bits
Luma spits a series of star bits at opponents, doing mild damage, reflecting their ability to shoot Star Bits from above in game.

Up B: Warpstar
Rosalina launches herself upward using a Warpstar, which frequently acted as the premier way to get around in the Mario Galaxy games, and functions perfectly within the world of Super Smash Bros.

Down B: Gravitational Pull
Rosalina spins and pulls things toward her, representing in many ways Mario's spin in the games that tends to pull things toward him, the gravitational effects rampant throughout the game, and even maybe the effect of the pull stars. It also serves to bring the Luma back toward Rosalina.

Final Smash: Comet Observatory
This is the only one I would change. Rather than holding a grand star over her head and having it shoot out stars, I would rather see the Comet Observatory start its engines and start spinning the way it does leading up to the final battle in Galaxy 1, before barreling through the stage and taking out opponents in its wake. This may conflict if the Comet Observatory is a stage, but I'm sticking with it.

Entrance: Rosalina and Luma fly onto the stage as if launched from a Warpstar.

Taunts: Some of the Luma's bouncing around that they do, maybe feeding one a star bit or two, Rosalina laughing and holding the Luma, so on.

Next up: Let's see what we can make of Mario's Odyssey companion, Cappy!

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