Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Character Sheet: Monty Mole (Main 3D Games)


Now, let's move on to all newcomers to the roster, either by being introduced in these last five games, or by finally gaining enough source material to be upgraded to the status of playable character. In the end, my count is thirteen new characters, two of whom are echo fighters.

8e. Toadette
17e. King Boo
24. F.L.U.D.D. Mario
25. Rosalina & Luma
26. Cappy
27. Bowser Jr.
28. Shadow Mario
29. Pianta
30. Blooper
31. Monty Mole
32. Honeybee
33. Petey Piranha
34. The Broodals

Today, let's check out another common enemy of the Mario series who wasn't included in the previous run of characters, but has since earned himself a place among the fighters, that being Monty Mole, large furry mole known for popping out of the ground and throwing rocks at Mario. Monty appeared previously in Super Mario World, and has now appeared in Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. There are a couple of offshoots to mention as well, being Rocky Wrenches and Undergrunts, but I struggle to know what exactly the difference is, as all three seem to do the same job at different points in time.

Monty Mole would be a heavyweight but rather quick for his size. He will probably drive around in a tank, considering most of his tank appearances are where a lot of his moves will come from. This is also a bit of a sneak way for Bob-Ombs and Bullet Bills to be included as playable characters, as neither offer up much to work with otherwise. Obviously, in many games, he is known for popping out of the ground and throwing rocks (or out of manholes and throwing wrenches, as done by Rocky in SMB3 and by Monty in the Galaxy games (see?)). He is shown to be able to drive a tank from which he can throw Bob-Ombs just like his rocks and fire Bullet Bills from a turret. He is also known to have a unique move where he pops straight up into the air, rather than just out a bit to throw something. An Undergrunt also pilots a tank-like vehicle (see?) in the Galaxy games, firing bubbles from it. They also burrow around underground quite a bit in those games.

Here is the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Bob-Omb
This one pays homage to Monty and Rocky's standard attack of throwing rocks or wrenches, but he will specifically throw out a Bob-Omb, allowing Bob-Ombs to be represented as a character as well. (Though I suppose its possible he could randomly throw out rocks, wrenches, and Bob-Ombs, similar to how King Dedede's Standard B worked originally)

Side B: Bullet Bill
Monty points his cannon turret straight forward and fires off a Bullet Bill that flies forward and targets opponents. This allows Bullet Bill to be represented as well.

Up B: Pop Up
This one is based on Monty's move of popping out of the ground and leaping straight up into the air as seen in World, 64, and the Mario Kart games. It's possible his tank will self-destruct as he does this, similar to Bowser Jr.'s, or simply stay or fall where it is. Either way.

Down B: Tuck In
Monty will tuck down inside of his tank, protecting him from harm. The tank's cover will be resting on top of his head, flat just like the manhole covers on top of Rocky Wrenches.

Final Smash: Monty Tank
I rather like the boss fight in New Super Mario Bros. wherein you fight a three-tiered tank that moves back and forth with swiveling turrets firing off projectiles in every direction. This move would mirror that, with Monty's Tank gaining turrets and then wreaking mayhem across the stage.

Entrance: Burrow out of the ground, I think.

Taunts: Crouch down inside the tank and glance around. Maybe make his little squeak noise.

Next up: The Honeybees from the Galaxy games. You know, the ones with the giant queen who got into Mario Kart 7 somehow . . . You'll see.

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