Saturday, September 28, 2019

Character Sheet: The Broodals (Main 3D Games)


Now, let's move on to all newcomers to the roster, either by being introduced in these last five games, or by finally gaining enough source material to be upgraded to the status of playable character. In the end, my count is thirteen new characters, two of whom are echo fighters.

8e. Toadette
17e. King Boo
24. F.L.U.D.D. Mario
25. Rosalina & Luma
26. Cappy
27. Bowser Jr.
28. Shadow Mario
29. Pianta
30. Blooper
31. Monty Mole
32. Honeybee
33. Petey Piranha
34. The Broodals

Finally, we come to the end of our character focus with the Broodals, the stand-ins for the Koopalings appearing in Super Mario Odyssey. Together there are five Broodals, being the four siblings Topper, Hariet, Rango, and Spewart, as well as their boss Madame Brood. Each one can act as a color swap, but just like the Koopalings, none of them individually offer enough to act as their own character.

Each one acts as a boss at various points in the game, with each having a distinct focus to their fighting style. Madame Brood has a pet golden Chain Chomp that she can throw at her enemies, but her enemies can use back at her. Topper comes with a tall stack of hats on top of his head that he can send out spinning, littering the playing field with hazards, or can use them to spin around in a wide circle. Hariet's abilities are centered around bombs, either throwing bombs, slamming enemies with the bombs attached to her pigtails, and flying around inside her hat dropping them. Rango has boomerang hats that he throws out that then come back to him, and can be flipped over to use as springs. He can also tuck inside his hat with his feet sticking out. Spewart seems to be the angry drunk of the group, with a focus around vomiting up toxic goo or tucking inside his hat and leaving a goo trail behind him. The four siblings come together to pilot the Robobrood, an obvious contender for Final Smash.

Here is the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Spew
The Broodal being played with will vomit forth a puddle of toxic goop that will do damage to anyone crossing it, and will function similarly to all other moves involving toxic goop.

Side B: Hat Stack
The Broodal's hats will stack up just like Topper's, and they will spin around in a wide circle taking out everyone in range.

Up B: Spring Hat
The Broodal will toss out their hat upside down, that will then act as a spring for them and for anyone else who steps on it while it's out.

Down B: Land Mines
The Broodal will pull out one of Hariet's mines and chuck it. The mine will be so heavy it will lodge itself into the stage momentarily before exploding, taking out anyone nearby.

Final Smash: RoboBrood
Basically, all four main Broodals will appear on stage and hop into their RoboBrood mech, which will stomp around and send out its powerful energy and bomb attacks on the stage.

Entrance: The one being played will hop down from their airship.

Taunts: Some of the taunts the actual Broodals use when fighting Mario.

Next up: Let's rearrange our list of characters, just so that we can get our head on straight.

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