Thursday, September 19, 2019

Character Sheet: Cappy (Main 3D Games)


Now, let's move on to all newcomers to the roster, either by being introduced in these last five games, or by finally gaining enough source material to be upgraded to the status of playable character. In the end, my count is thirteen new characters, two of whom are echo fighters.

8e. Toadette
17e. King Boo
24. F.L.U.D.D. Mario
25. Rosalina & Luma
26. Cappy
27. Bowser Jr.
28. Shadow Mario
29. Pianta
30. Blooper
31. Monty Mole
32. Honeybee
33. Petey Piranha
34. The Broodals

Today, let's take a look at Cappy, Mario's faithful companion throughout Super Mario Odyssey and the main source of almost all of the game's unique gameplay mechanics. Although he works in tandem with Mario, I felt Cappy had enough mobility on his own and was iconic enough to warrant his own spot on the roster.

In Odyssey, Mario can use Cappy to perform a number of acrobatic maneuvers he never could before, he could spin him around in a circle to collect things or activate certain circular patterns. Cappy's most important use however, is his ability to possess other things, be they living or inanimate. When he captures a living creature, he takes over control of their bodies and uses their specific abilities to his advantage, while capturing an inanimate object can very frequently allow Mario and Cappy to perform some function or work some mechanism. Outside of captures, Cappy will likely be light and quick, and strong on defense, considering he is a ghost just like Boo.

Here is the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Capture
More or less exactly what it says on the tin. Cappy will latch onto another player's head and take control of their bodies. The effect will only be temporary, having a time-limit similar to when he captures a T-Rex. Skilled players will need to use their short time to their advantage, finding the best ways to screw opponents over in the time allotted.

Side B: Wire
Cappy will latch onto a wire just as he does in the game, zipping back and forth across a fixed stretch of line and electrocuting all in his path.

Up B: Binoculars OR Rocket
I couldn't quite choose between the two. Either Cappy will latch onto the binoculars frequently found at the start of each level, sending him straight up a great distance OR he will latch onto the rocket frequently used to take Mario to higher levels above the main game. Either one would serve the Up B just fine. Binoculars is more iconic, but Rocket is more capable of dealing damage.

Down B: Capture Menu
Through this move, Cappy can choose from five of his most iconic captures, capturing them and using their specific abilities to attack opponents. These are:
1. Sherm: Drive around and fire projectiles.
2. Pokio: Spike enemies with extendable beak.
3. Gushen: Jet across the stage, spraying enemies with water.
4. Uproot: Extend his legs upward to reach new heights. Works as an alternate recovery move.
5. Ty Foo: Breathe a heavy wind to blow opponents across the stage.
Others could work, but these were the ones I felt gave players the widest variety of effects.

Final Smash: T-Rex
How could it not be? Cappy will capture a sleeping T-Rex, which will then roar, stunning all opponents before rampaging around the stage, instantly KOing any it hits.

Entrance: Cappy will spin down as a hat, the way he and Mario do when they warp to a checkpoint.

Taunts: Cappy's "Hey" sound should be heard. It might be fun if he mimicked the hats of any opponents he's currently facing (Link's cap, Samus's helmet), maybe capture a frog (gotta be included somewhere, right?).

Next up: Let's cover our new little villain friend, Bowser Jr.!

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