Saturday, August 31, 2024

Character Sheet: Peppy Hare


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

Next up is Peppy, the older mentor character of the team who once flew with Fox's father and now feels the need to remind him of that fact after every single battle ever. They really like recycling a certain sound byte, that's for sure. Anyway, Peppy is a bit like Slippy in that they're both a little less physically able than their teammates Fox and Falco, and so end up falling by the wayside in things like Smash representation. This tells me that Slippy should be the template I build off of for Peppy instead of the other two.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Charge Shot

I think it would make sense if he could save the charge for a bit after charging it to use at a more opportune time.

Side B: Barrel Roll

Considering his love for recommending the, ahem, aileron roll, it makes sense for him to use it here in place of his teammates' dashes.

Up B: Bunny Hop

Same as with Slippy, though I expect he can't quite get as much height on the jump as Slippy can.

Down B: Reflector

I'd say a more standard use of it, like Fox's, would make sense here. Of course, the Power Bombs are an option too.

Final Smash: Team Star Fox OR Heroic Sacrifice

Same as his teammates, or with James and Pigma. An alternate option could be his use of the Great Fox to jam the Aparoid shields in Assault.

Entrance: Dropping out of his Arwing.

Taunts: Up, he will stretch and say he's feeling a little old for this. Side, "You're getting more and more like your father every day." Down, "Do a barrel roll!"

Kirby Hat: His ears and mustache.

Kart: An Arwing.

Special Move: He can perform a barrel roll to avoid an attack.

Spirit Battle: On Venom, with James and Pigma.

Victory Screen: "Well done. Your father would be proud."

Losing Screen: His Arwing crashing down as he cries out for help.

Color Swaps: His 64 look, SNES look, Adventures look, Assault look, Command look, his comics version, one based on Lucy, one based on James.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the Arwing flies into battle!

Friday, August 30, 2024

Character Sheet: Slippy Toad


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

Next, we have Slippy Toad, the resident mechanic of the team and least experienced flyer, judging by his tendency to constantly call for help all the time. He remains a major part of the team throughout the entire series, possibly leaving in Star Fox Command to be with his fiancée Amanda, depending on the ending. He will be a semi-clone just like Fox and Falco, but with less powerful moves and athletic skill, and more reliance on tech.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Charge Shot

About the same, but he can charge up his.

Side B: Slippy Slide

Sorta like Fox and Falco's, except he doesn't do it nearly as well and instead it takes on a bit more of his froggy abilities, with him sliding across the floor like he's all wet and slippery.

Up B: Froggy Hop

Similar to before, except Slippy busts out the hover jets from the Landmaster and uses them to leap high into the air and hover for a second.

Down B: Reflector

This will be the same, except he will rig up about four or five of them to circle around himself and protect him from all sides.

Final Smash: Team Star Fox

Same as Fox and Falco's. An alternate version could have Amanda in it, but otherwise it's fine.

Entrance: Dropping out of his Arwing.

Taunts: Up, he will toss a wrench in the air and look a little cocky. Side, small blasts will ignite around him and he'll look panicked. Down, he will slip and fall over.

Kirby Hat: His hat.

Kart: An Arwing.

Special Move: He will use reflectors to protect himself.

Spirit Battle: On Corneria. Fox and Falco will appear after he reached 100 damage.

Victory Screen: "Whew, that was a close one."

Losing Screen: He will fly off with Wolfens on his tail, crying out for Fox to help him with no answer.

Color Swaps: His 64 look, SNES look, Adventures look, Assault look, Command look, Beltino, one based on Amanda, one based on Grippy.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Peppy does a barrel roll!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Character Sheet: Krystal


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

Next, we have Krystal, a new character introduced in Star Fox Adventures, who then became part of the core Star Fox team in Assault and Command, and acted as the love interest of Fox McCloud. She started out as an adventurer who answered Sauria's call for help first and managed to fight off a horde of them before ultimately being captured and sealed in a crystal until the Star Fox team arrived.

As Fox uses her staff and all of its abilities in Adventures, and would have been one of the two main protagonists of the original game Dinosaur Planet, naturally all of that moveset belongs to her. She could incorporate moves from the standard Star Fox team stuff too, but I'll save that for an "only when necessary" button.

Here is her moveset:

Standard B: Energy Blast

This will be a projectile attack, with Krystal throwing energy from the end of her spear.

Side B: Spear Strike

She will flip her spear around and strike forward with it, based on the melee moves Fox can use.

Up B: Spear Launch

She will lock her spear into place before launching upward with it, just like Fox can in the game.

Down B: Bomb Spore Plant

Krystal will plant a Bomb Spore on the stage and then will be able to set it off from a distance, or it will simply go off at a set time.

Final Smash: Spirit Crystal

She will trap an opponent inside of a giant crystal as spirits swirl around it and drain the opponent's life force.

Entrance: Dropping from a CloudRunner.

Taunts: Up, she will spin her spear and turn away. Side, she will study a Star Fox blaster and pose with it. Down, she will flick her hair back and look shy.

Kirby Hat: Her hair and crown.

Kart: An Arwing.

Special Move: She will be able to strike to the side with her spear.

Spirit Battle: On Krazoa Palace.

Victory Screen: She will spin her spear around and stand victorious.

Losing Screen: She will be surrounded by spirits and locked in a crystal.

Color Swaps: Her Adventures look, her Assault look, her main Command look, her Command look with the helmet, her original Dinosaur Planet design, one based on Sabre, one based on Fox, and one based on Marcus.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Slippy Toad needs a little help!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Character Sheet: Falco Lombardi


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

Next up is Falco Lombardi, Fox's right-hand "wingman" and the Raphael-type of the group. You know, the edgy, aggro loner guy who just has to have a problem with everything the leader does because . . . dick-measuring or something, and can never just be a team player for once in their life. Sorry. I don't care for this character type very often. But, all in all, Falco's on the more tolerable end of the type.

In Smash, Falco started out as basically an echo in Melee, but has since diverged from Fox, mainly by his moves having a bit more of a flashy showoff streak to them, or by being a bit more aerial in nature, both tying well to his personality type and species. So, I'll stick with it as it is.

Here's his moves:

Standard B: Blaster

I think this was about the same as Fox's.

Side B: Falco Phantasm

A little bit less speedy than Fox's. I believe it was Wolf's that had a bit of a vertical angle to it, but it wouldn't be out of place for that to happen with Falco.

Up B: Firebird

Naturally, his takes him much higher than Fox's does.

Down B: Reflector

I am actually a really big fan of the way he kicks it to make it a little more of an active attack. It's a really good character addition.

Final Smash: Team Star Fox

Naturally. Though a fun Easter Egg might be to have Katt Monroe and Dash Bowman fly in instead as his team from one of the Star Fox Command endings.

Entrance: Dropping out of his Arwing.

Taunts: Up, he will play hackysack with his reflector. Side, "Hands of my prey." Down, crossing his arms and turning away.

Kirby Hat: The feathers and beak.

Kart: An Arwing.

Special Move: He can take off into the air and fly over the stage.

Spirit Battle: with Katt (Arwing) on Sector Z.

Victory Screen: Tossing his reflector and making a cocky remark.

Losing Screen: Turning away from the screen and looking sullen.

Color Swaps: His normal look, the SNES look, the Assault look, the Command look, the Zero look, his orange coat, and his black feather look.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Krystal summons the spirits.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Character Sheet: James McCloud


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

Now, although Falco, Slippy, and Peppy will all be in the near echo category to Fox, similar to Falco from the actual Smash games, Fox's father James will be a straight up echo of his son. I suppose you could say Fox really has become more and more like his father every day.

Here's his moves:

Standard B: Blaster

Side B: Fox Illusion

Up B: Fire Fox

Down B: Reflector

Final Smash: Original Team Star Fox

This will feature Peppy and Pigma as his fellow pilots instead of the main team Star Fox.

Entrance: Dropping out of a ghostly Arwing.

Taunts: Up, he will fix his shades and hold up his blaster. Side, pointing his gun back and forth. Down, He will look at his hand as he turns transparent for a moment.

Kirby Hat: His ears and shades.

Kart: An Arwing.

Special Move: Becoming invisible and intangible for a short time.

Spirit Battle: with Peppy and Pigma on Venom.

Victory Screen: "Well done, Fox," before disappearing.

Losing Screen: Flying off into the distance and disappearing.

Color Swaps: His normal look, one based on Fox, one based on Marcus, one on Krystal, Peppy, Pigma, Wolf, and his human racer counterpart from F-Zero.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Falco Lombardi prefers the air.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Character Sheet: Fox McCloud


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

Now, obviously we ran into an immediate problem when it came to the core main cast, that being, they're all just pilots of ships and really don't have any personal gameplay distinctions. The same goes for the main rivals, Star Wolf. There is a fairly basic moveset from the on-foot missions here and there in the games, but still not enough to make them distinct. Luckily, however, Super Smash Bros. has given us a core moveset for the characters, and a template for differentiating them. On the surface, Fox, Falco, and Wolf all have the same moveset, however, all three are distinctly different from each other based on the personalities of the characters. So, using that game-based precedent, I will kinda break my own rules of "never just making anything up," by working off that logic. I mean, what was I going to do? Not make Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Peppy individually playable? I will keep this to a very limited minimum, however.

Obviously, Fox will be the most basic, pulled 100% from his Smash moveset:

Standard B: Blaster

A simple projectile shot, based on his Arwing's lasers.

Side B: Fox Illusion

Generally based on the ship speeding up, and maybe on the whole "barrel roll to become immune to damage" thing, Fox will race straight forward at high speed.

Up B: Fire Fox

Based on his ship's thrusters, Fox will launch skyward in a burst of flames.

Down B: Reflector

Based on his ship's shielding, Fox will project a shield around himself to reflect objects.

Final Smash: Team Star Fox

Calling in his full team for a cinematic attack formation.

Entrance: Dropping out of an Arwing.

Taunts: Up, he will spin his blaster and holster it. Side, "Come on!" Down, he will perform a low kick.

Kirby Hat: His ears and headpiece thing.

Kart: An Arwing

Special Move: Shooting lasers at his opponents.

Spirit Battle: Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Peppy on Corneria.

Victory Screen: Putting away his gun and saying "Mission complete!"

Losing Screen: Slumping to the ground and saying "I've got to pull out!"

Color Swaps: His 64 design, his Assault design, his SNES design, his Command design, his Zero design, his Adventures design, one based on Wolf, Marcus McCloud.

Thanks for reading! Next up, James McCloud refuses to die!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Star Fox Zero


Star Fox Zero was the first original game in the series for ten years after Command, seemed to be only received lukewarmly by the fanbase, and it has since been eight years with no new games in sight. The game is yet another story remake of the same plot from Star Fox and Star Fox 64, being the main war with Andross.

The gameplay is mostly the same, with an Arwing as your main vehicle, all of its accessories attached, and the Landmaster returning as well. The game also features two new modes: the Walker and the Gyrowing. The Walker is basically the Arwing rearranged to have legs so it can walk around and get into small spaces. The Gyrowing is a slower helicopter-type vehicle with a small robot named Direct-i that it can deploy to hack into computer systems or pick up items. Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Peppy return as the main pilots.

General Pepper returns, as do Katt Monroe and Bill Grey, with James McCloud having his small cameo in the final fight. Strangely, ROB 64 seems to be nowhere in sight.

Andross is our main villain, and has a boss fight that mostly hearkens back to his old fights with a lot of similar attacks, the two most notable new ones I noticed was a wall of shielding he summons around himself and a spinning purple laser. Wolf, Leon, Pigma, and Andrew Oikonny all appear in their villainous roles working for Andross, and are mostly just enemy fighters. Wolf does have a fun Walker mode for his ship though.

Much like the first game, most of our enemies are just various enemy fighters with a specific pattern of attack to them, as are most of the bosses. I would like to note the Monarch Dodora, which can fly, spit fireballs, fire lasers from its tail, and create tornadoes, as well as the Gigarilla, a giant ape that rampages around, picking up large crates and throwing them or just stomping enemies.

For our stages, Corneria, Zoness, Titania, Fichina, Fortuna, and Venom all return, as does an Asteroid Field, but instead of Sector X, Y, and Z, we now have Sector Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega, plus Area Three.

That's about it, really. Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: run, jump, lasers, bombs, roll, shield, sniper rifle

Krystal: spear, energy blast, bombs, CloudRunner, launch, shield

ROB: bombs, cannon, supplies, missiles, fog

Arwing: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield, charge shot, somersault, half-loop, Walker, Direct-i

Landmaster: lasers, bombs, charge shots, roll, hover

James/Katt/Bill/Lucy/Amanda/Dash status?

Tricky: Stay, Flame, Find, Heel, Play Ball

CloudRunners: fly


LightFoots: run, fight

Wolf/Leon/Panther: Wolfen capabilities, the moves listed for Star Fox team?

Andrew: possible echo of Andross, Death Crab

Pigma: crane arms, asteroids, missiles, gatling guns, bombs, disintegrator beam, rubix cube

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers, punch, clap, brain, spirits, rings, meteorites, shield wall, spinning laser

General Scales: invisible, two hooked claws

Galdon: green fireballs, claws, eat Fox

Drakor: flies, blue lasers, electrical traps

SharpClaws: various weapons

Aparoids: Flyer, Beetle, Moth, Spinner, Kamikaze, Morphing Ship, Crystalline, Stringy, Bloated, Glowing Sac, Tri-Winged, Y-Shape, Electric Sphere, Crawler, Purple, Hatcher, Roller, Gunner, Force Field Generator, Blue Orb, Swirling, Silver, Larva

Aparoid Queen: eggs, scales, devastating beam, fly, lash out, energy rings, tunnel of energy breath, central beam

Anglar Emperor: inhale, exhale, swim, Arrow Head, Arrow Head pieces

Monarch Dodora: fly, spit fireballs, lasers from tail, tornadoes

Gigarilla: stomp, throw containers





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Fortuna (now separate)

Sector Z







Sector 6

Krazoa Palace

ThornTail Hollow

SnowHorn Wastes

Moon Mountain Pass

Cape Claw

CloudRunner Fortress

LightFoot Village

Walled City

Dragon Rock

Volcano Force Point Temple

Ocean Force Point Temple

Sargasso Space Zone

Orbital Gate

Aparoid Homeworld

Sector Alpha

Sector Beta

Sector Gamma

Sector Omega

Area Three

Thanks for reading! Now, we move on to characters. While it does seem like we have a spot of trouble when it comes to our core main cast, I do have a plan. So, next up, Fox takes to the skies!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Star Fox: Command


Star Fox: Command is . . . a Star Fox game. It is more or less the story finale of the series, as it gives multiple endings to wrap up the characters' stories depending on what you choose. Sadly, it's all packed into a game where you spend five minutes plotting out your strategy for the next round, followed by like thirty seconds of actual gameplay, where most of the missions are recycled repeats over and over. Also, the story is heavily built around Fox and Krystal getting majorly toxic personality facelifts for "drama," so, yeah, I'm not a big fan of the game.

The game is pretty much fully in the Arwing (or other ships), with most of the core basics present. You have a whole list of possible pilots that you can play as across the various missions of the game. These include: Fox, Falco, Slippy, Krystal, Wolf, Leon, Panther, Dash Bowman (a monkey and Andross's grandson), Lucy Hare (Peppy's daughter), Amanda (Slippy's fiancée), Katt Monroe, Bill Grey, and Peppy. James McCloud is also unlockable. ROB 64 is the most present he's ever been, playing a big role in the tactics map section, firing missiles, sending out supplies to certain locations, and clearing the "fog of war."

The Anglars are the new villains, mutated fish people native to Venom, coming for revenge for Andross's death. The Anglar Emperor is the main villain, fighting you inside a mech called the Arrow Head until it is beaten, at which point he will fight you himself, inhaling to suck you in and exhaling projectiles, while pieces of the Arrowhead float around him. He has five main underlings: Zazan, Zako, Zoldge, Octoman (like from Star Fox), and Andrew Oikonny, previously presumed dead and piloting a mech called the Death Crab. Pigma Dengar also returns from the dead, now reduced to an AI rubix cube space station thing that fires missiles and lasers.

Your enemies are a handful of Anglar fighters, as well as some bosses, like Zazan's ZaZanga 9, the Splitter, Zako's Devil Shark, Octoman's Octopod, the Biobrain, Zoldge's Solar Satellite, the Killer Bee, the Dune Worm, Monarch Dodora, and the Grunner.

Returning areas include Corneria, Aquas, Meteo, Fichina, Katina, Sectors X, Y, and Z, Solar, Titania, and Venom, with a strong focus on Venom's acid sea, where the Anglars live.

That's about it, really. Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: run, jump, lasers, bombs, roll, shield, sniper rifle

Krystal: spear, energy blast, bombs, CloudRunner, launch, shield

ROB: bombs, cannon, supplies, missiles, fog

Arwing: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield, charge shot, somersault, half-loop

Landmaster: lasers, bombs, charge shots, roll, hover

James/Katt/Bill/Lucy/Amanda/Dash status?

Tricky: Stay, Flame, Find, Heel, Play Ball

CloudRunners: fly


LightFoots: run, fight

Wolf/Leon/Panther: Wolfen capabilities, the moves listed for Star Fox team?

Andrew: possible echo of Andross, Death Crab

Pigma: crane arms, asteroids, missiles, gatling guns, bombs, disintegrator beam, rubix cube

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers, punch, clap, brain, spirits, rings, meteorites

General Scales: invisible, two hooked claws

Galdon: green fireballs, claws, eat Fox

Drakor: flies, blue lasers, electrical traps

SharpClaws: various weapons

Aparoids: Flyer, Beetle, Moth, Spinner, Kamikaze, Morphing Ship, Crystalline, Stringy, Bloated, Glowing Sac, Tri-Winged, Y-Shape, Electric Sphere, Crawler, Purple, Hatcher, Roller, Gunner, Force Field Generator, Blue Orb, Swirling, Silver, Larva

Aparoid Queen: eggs, scales, devastating beam, fly, lash out, energy rings, tunnel of energy breath, central beam

Anglar Emperor: inhale, exhale, swim, Arrow Head, Arrow Head pieces





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Fortuna (now separate)

Sector Z







Sector 6

Krazoa Palace

ThornTail Hollow

SnowHorn Wastes

Moon Mountain Pass

Cape Claw

CloudRunner Fortress

LightFoot Village

Walled City

Dragon Rock

Volcano Force Point Temple

Ocean Force Point Temple

Sargasso Space Zone

Orbital Gate

Aparoid Homeworld

Thanks for reading! Next up, ten years to get to Zero!

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Star Fox: Assault


Star Fox is arguably the best sequel to the 64 game, returning to the series' roots and expanding upon it after the departure that was Adventures. The story centers around the Lylat system being invaded by a race of insectoid aliens called Aparoids, a single member of whom once devastated an entire squadron.

Our Star Fox team returns, with Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Krystal now being the central members, Peppy having mostly retired to a support role, staying on the Great Fox with ROB 64. The game has three main methods of playstyle, with the team switching between flying their Arwings, driving Landmasters, and running around on foot. On foot, you can run, jump, roll, use lasers, charge shots, and sniper rifles, and a shield. The Arwing is standard to your previous experience, as is the Landmaster. There is also a multiplayer mode, with the four heroes playable alongside Peppy and Wolf. They mostly play the same, just with varying stats to them.

General Pepper returns as a supporting character, alongside Beltino Toad, Slippy's father and a head scientist for the Federation. James McCloud has a couple of cameos, and you even get to say hi to Tricky at one point. Team Star Wolf plays a much more "hero" antihero role this time, helping in the fight against the Aparoids. By that I mean, Wolf O'Donnell, Leon Powalski, and a new member, a panther named Panther Caroso, a very Pepe Le Pew-type character who rivals Krystal. Pigma and Andrew both got kicked out.

Speaking of Andrew and Pigma, they both play villainous roles in the story this time. Andrew starts out as the opening villain, having recruited a number of forces to try and take revenge for his uncle's legacy. He fights you in a similar ship based on his own head, attacking you with punches just like his uncle. Meanwhile, Pigma sells out to the Aparoids, acting as bait for the Star Fox team to lure them into a trap and sabotaging a space station, only for him to become infected by the Aparoids and get melded into one of their warships. In this form, he has six robotic crane arms that can launch asteroids, missiles, and fire gatling guns. He can also release bombs and fire a disintegrator beam from his mouth.

The Aparoids come in many forms, including Flyer, Beetle, Moth, Spinner, Kamikaze, Morphing Ship, Crystalline, Stringy, Bloated, Glowing Sac, Tri-Winged, Y-Shape, Electric Sphere, Crawler, Purple, Hatcher, Roller, Gunner, Force Field Generator, Blue Orb, Swirling, Silver, and Larval varieties. There is also a winged boss, a cylindrical boss, and the Aparoid Queen. The Queen herself will send out eggs that will hatch into more Aparoids, shield herself with scales, fire a devastating beam, fly, lash out, fire energy rings, creating a tunnel of energy breath, and firing a large central beam.

The planets Fortuna, Katina, Fichina, Sauria, Corneria, Titania, and Zoness all return, as does the area Meteo. New areas include the Sargasso Space Zone, the Orbital Gate that will lead to the Aparoid homeworld, and the Aparoid Homeworld.

That's about it! Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: run, jump, lasers, bombs, roll, shield, sniper rifle

Krystal: spear, energy blast, bombs, CloudRunner, launch, shield

ROB: bombs, cannon, supplies

Arwing: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield, charge shot, somersault, half-loop

Landmaster: lasers, bombs, charge shots, roll, hover

James/Katt/Bill status?

Tricky: Stay, Flame, Find, Heel, Play Ball

CloudRunners: fly


LightFoots: run, fight

Wolf/Leon/Panther: Wolfen capabilities, the moves listed for Star Fox team?

Andrew: possible echo of Andross

Pigma: crane arms, asteroids, missiles, gatling guns, bombs, disintegrator beam

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers, punch, clap, brain, spirits, rings, meteorites

General Scales: invisible, two hooked claws

Galdon: green fireballs, claws, eat Fox

Drakor: flies, blue lasers, electrical traps

SharpClaws: various weapons

Aparoids: Flyer, Beetle, Moth, Spinner, Kamikaze, Morphing Ship, Crystalline, Stringy, Bloated, Glowing Sac, Tri-Winged, Y-Shape, Electric Sphere, Crawler, Purple, Hatcher, Roller, Gunner, Force Field Generator, Blue Orb, Swirling, Silver, Larva

Aparoid Queen: eggs, scales, devastating beam, fly, lash out, energy rings, tunnel of energy breath, central beam





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Fortuna (now separate)

Sector Z







Sector 6

Krazoa Palace

ThornTail Hollow

SnowHorn Wastes

Moon Mountain Pass

Cape Claw

CloudRunner Fortress

LightFoot Village

Walled City

Dragon Rock

Volcano Force Point Temple

Ocean Force Point Temple

Sargasso Space Zone

Orbital Gate

Aparoid Homeworld

Thanks for reading! Next up, it's time to Command some better gameplay.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Star Fox Adventures


Star Fox Adventures is not a Star Fox game. It originated as Dinosaur Planet, a new game by Rare, bringing with it all the 3D platforming highlights you'd expect from a Rare game, like Banjo-Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and Jet Force Gemini. Somewhere in the middle of development, someone said "Hey, that protagonist looks a little like Fox McCloud," so they decided to attach it to the Star Fox series for name recognition purposes. As a result, a new IP that may well have been as beloved as, at least, Jet Force Gemini, has instead gone down in history being hated by those fans that came wanting a Star Fox experience.

The story centers around Fox and his team getting a distress call from the planet Sauria, where the SharpClaw tribe is attempting to conquer the planet and enforce their rule over all the other tribes on the planet. You spend most of your time playing as Fox on the ground, using the staff dropped by Krystal, a young fox warrior who'd shown up earlier to try and help, only to end up captured. With her staff, he can attack using the bladed tips or throw magic with it, use it as a shield, and use it to launch high into the sky from certain stations. He could also plant bomb plants and detonate them. All of this can very much be attributed to Krystal, so it will be.

Fox is accompanied in his adventures by Tricky, the young prince of the EarthWalker tribe, who helps him with various sidekick commands, those being Stay (he stays put in one spot), Flame (he breathes fire), Find (he will find hidden objects and dig), Heel (he will come to your side), and Play Ball (he'll play fetch with you). I might be able to do something there.

Other characters include Peppy, Slippy, ROB, General Pepper, and Falco, who generally just chime in with their advice over the radio, because they have to pretend it's a Star Fox game somehow. They do help out a bit in the small flying missions that happen on occasion. The dinosaur tribes include ThornTails (Ankylosaur types), EarthWalkers (Triceratops types), CloudRunners (Pterosaurs), SnowHorns (Mammoths), HighTops (Apatosaur types), LightFoots (Gallimimus types), RedEyes (T-Rex), and SharpClaws (smaller predatory types). Each have their own members, generally a king or queen and a gatekeeper. There is also a giant stone statue called the WarpStone, and a shopkeeper you can buy from.

General Scales is the leader of the SharpClaws and generally the main villain of the game. He sadly does not get a boss fight ever in the game, as they were cut out when it became a Star Fox game (Really awkwardly too, it's perfectly obvious where they were supposed to take place). He can turn invisible and uses two hooked claws attached to his wrist to attack. Andross turns out to be the real villain of the game, appearing as a spirit and supposedly guiding Fox throughout the game, only for him to betray them both and used the spirits collected by Fox to gain a new body. During his battle, he fires rings from his mouth, swats with his hands, inhales, and exhales meteorites.

Other bosses include Galdon, a giant insectoid creature that will spit green fireballs, attack with its claws, and eat Fox; King RedEye, a giant T-Rex that likes to charge and bite; and Drakor, a dragon who flies, shoots blue lasers, and leaves electrical traps behind him. Fun fact: Drakor was the original true villain behind Scales in Dinosaur Planet.

Our enemies include the SharpClaws, the standard grunts of the game who use a variety of different weapons to attack; the BribeClaw, a SharpClaw guard that will let you pass for money; ShadowHunters, fast runner types; RedEyes, large T-Rexes; EggSnatchers, who steal eggs; Snipluks, Snaplaks, and Kooshies who burrow; Kalda Chom, a frog thing that lives in a pond; Brain Squids; PopTops, who are sorta turtles; MushGus, a mushroom; cliff-dwelling Peepers; flying Bloops and FireBats; FireCrawlers, who live in volcanic areas; and plants called Venus Foxtraps.

Major areas around Sauria include: Krazoa Palace, the center of most of the plot; ThornTail Hollow, sorta the hub area of the game; SnowHorn Wastes, an icy mountain; Moon Mountain Pass, where Fox encounters Andross's spirit; Cape Claw, a beach; CloudRunner Fortress, high in the sky; LightFoot Village, a marshy area; the Walled City, where the EarthWalker King rules; Dragon Rock, where you face Drakor; and then the Volcano and Ocean Force Point Temples.

I think that's about it! Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: run, jump, lasers, bombs

Krystal: spear, energy blast, bombs, CloudRunner, launch, shield

ROB: bombs, cannon, supplies

Arwing?: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield, charge shot, somersault, half-loop

Landmaster?: lasers, bombs, charge shots, roll, hover

James/Katt/Bill status?

Tricky: Stay, Flame, Find, Heel, Play Ball

CloudRunners: fly


LightFoots: run, fight

Wolf/Leon/Pigma/Andrew: Wolfen capabilities

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers, punch, clap, brain, spirits, rings, meteorites

General Scales: invisible, two hooked claws

Galdon: green fireballs, claws, eat Fox

Drakor: flies, blue lasers, electrical traps

SharpClaws: various weapons





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Sector Z







Sector 6

Krazoa Palace

ThornTail Hollow

SnowHorn Wastes

Moon Mountain Pass

Cape Claw

CloudRunner Fortress

LightFoot Village

Walled City

Dragon Rock

Volcano Force Point Temple

Ocean Force Point Temple

Thanks for reading! Next up, it's time to lead the assault on the Aparoid forces.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Star Fox 64


Next up, we have Star Fox 64, generally considered to be the gold standard of the series and best game by a wide margin. It is more or less a story remake of the first, just with a few more things fleshed out. For instance, we now have a backstory involving Fox's father James leading a team of Peppy and Pigma Dengar against Andross, only for Pigma to betray them and get James killed. We also have the introduction of Star Wolf to the series, who would go on to be major recurring antagonists/anti-heroes.

You play as Fox leading Team Star Fox once again, with Falco, Slippy, and Peppy all on board as usual. They are mainly inside their ships just like before, with lasers, charge shots, bombs, boosters and brakes, and the ability to barrel roll, somersault, and half-loop. You also have the Landmaster Tank, which can do many of the same attacks, and hover in the air for a short time. You also have the Blue Marine submarine for water levels, and even on-foot missions playing as the four pilots who can all run, jump, fire lasers, and drop bombs.

General Pepper returns as commander of the Cornerian forces. During certain battles, you also get help from Bill Grey, a dog and friend of Fox, or Katt Monroe, a cat with a thing for Falco. Finally, we have a new member of the team, ROB 64, a robot who mans the Great Fox and provides the team with cover fire from the Fox's cannon and smart bombs, while also delivering them supplies as needed. James McCloud's presence is felt throughout the story, and he appears as a disembodied voice in the last battle.

Andross is once again our main villain, this time upgrading his final battle to a giant version of his own head and hands, punching and clapping at the fighters and inhaling them. At a certain point, this head will be shattered to reveal either the old polygonal face from the previous game or a giant brain with eyeballs.

Star Wolf are a band of mercenaries hired by Andross to deal with Star Fox. They include Wolf O'Donnell, a wolf; Leon Powalski, a chameleon; Pigma Dengar, a pig and the person who betrayed Fox's father; and Andrew Oikonny, a monkey and the nephew of Andross. They fly in Wolfens and each will target different members of the Star Fox team: Wolf to Fox, Leon to Falco, Pigma to Peppy, and Andrew to Slippy. There's not much that differentiates them here, so let's move on.

As for enemy types, they all generally just boil down to different types of ships that fly against the team. Some focus more on bombs, some more on defense or speed, but at the end of the day, there's not much point really going into it all. There are a few places, like the Aquas water missions where different types of wildlife (fish and squids and stuff) will also cause trouble.

The bosses include a mech piloted by a general named Granga, an Attack Carrier, the Meteo Crusher, another mech called Shogun, a carrier called Saruzin, a flying saucer called Saucerer, a giant clam called Bacoon, a malfunctioning robot called Spyborg, a lava monster with scythe arms called Vulcain, a marine base called Sarumarine, a giant prehistoric monster called Goras, a defense weapon called Mechbeth, the Copperhead missile, the planet Bolse's core, a war machine called Gorgon, and a running stone statue called Golemech.

As for your stages, once again you have a branching mission setup with multiple possible ways to complete your mission, always starting on Corneria and ending on Venom. Then you can head to either the asteroid field Meteo or Sector Y. Then you'll go to Fichina (formerly Fortuna), a jungle planet; Katina, a planet similar to Corneria; or Aquas, an underwater planet. Then you can go to Sector X, Solar (literally the sun), or Zoness, a toxic waste planet. The next stop is either desert planet Titania, factory planet Macbeth, or Sector Z. Finally, you either attack the Bolse Defense Satellite or the defense station in Sector 6 before reaching Venom.

I think I've got it all. Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: run, jump, lasers, bombs

ROB: bombs, cannon, supplies

Arwing?: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield, charge shot, somersault, half-loop

Landmaster?: lasers, bombs, charge shots, roll, hover

James/Katt/Bill status?

Wolf/Leon/Pigma/Andrew: Wolfen capabilities

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers, punch, clap, brain





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Sector Z







Sector 6

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's go on a "Rare" adventure!

Monday, August 19, 2024

Star Fox


Star Fox was a new series for Nintendo created during the SNES era that dabbled a bit in the developing 3D technology, and acted as an on-rails shooter where you played as a star fighter pilot fighting his way through a number of space battles. The plot is a sort of "Star Wars with furries," where you follow a team of star fighters led by Fox McCloud as they take down a mad scientist trying to conquer their solar system.

Our main character is Fox, a fox, and his team consists of resident Raphael-type Falco Lombardi, a falcon; the team's tech expert Slippy Toad, a toad; and wise old mentor Peppy Hare, a hare. None of them appear outside of their Arwings, so moveset potential is drastically limited at the moment. That said, the ships come with lasers, bombs, thrusters, and retro rockets, and you can do a barrel roll to defend yourself. I think some of Fox and Falco's moves in Smash pull from these, so there's at least that.

The only main support character is General Pepper, a hound dog and the commander of the Cornerian fleet who hired your team for this job. After that, Andross, a monkey, is the main villain, a mad scientist operating out of the planet Venom. He fights you in the form of a giant polygonal head that spits tiles at you, sucks you in, and shoots laser beams.

All enemies consist of various enemy ships and craft, which are fairly limited in their weaponry so not much there, and a couple creatures. These include the Attack Carrier, the Destructor, the Meteo Crusher, the Slot Machine (yes), the Blade Barrier, the Atomic Base, the Monarch Dodora, the Dancing Insector, the Professor Hanger, the Plasma Hydra, the Spinning Core, the Phantrons, the Metal Smasher, the Galactic Rider, and the Great Commander.

You have a sort of branching order of missions that get you from start to finish. You always start out at Corneria, your home planet, and end at Venom, Andross's base of operations. From there, you can go to Asteroid (an asteroid belt), Space Armada, and Meteor (a meteor). Another route takes you through Sector X, a desert planet called Titania, and Sector Y. The third will take you to the dinosaur-inhabited planet Fortuna, Sector Z, and the factory world Macbeth.

That's about it really. Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Sector Z


Thanks for reading! Next up, we skip from one all the way to sixty-four!

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Metroid Re-Visit


Well there's nothing new from the Metroid series to cover, though I am very excited for Beyond. And at the present time, I have nothing in mind that needs a second chance, so . . . see you in two weeks for Starfox. I'm sure that'll take like two months tops, right?

Friday, August 2, 2024

Legend of Zelda Revisit


In the few months since I last revisited, no new games have come out. I am excited for Echoes of Wisdom, but that hasn't released yet. I had heard the Twilight Princess manga wrapped up recently, but that's really it. I also have no Second Chance characters in mind, so I guess we're moving on to Metroid. See you tomorrow!

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Mario Re-Visit Wrap Up


And that's it! Next up, I'll revisit Zelda and Metroid quickly. There will not be any updated rosters, at least, from me. It is far too tedious a task, and I had a moment where I sat back and realized that I'd basically be doing it over and over and over again for as long as the Mario series continues to make games, so I'm just not going to do it. So from now on, there will only be the original roster, with just the implication of them being added. If any of you wishes to make your own version, please feel free. If you do, I would appreciate being credited, but that is all.

Anyway, see you tomorrow! Thanks for reading!

Sparkle Theater


Princess Peach: Showtime! takes place entirely within a theater, with the levels made up of the various plays being put on by the cast and crew, with the sets being entirely made of cardboard and the NPCs all actors acting around you taking the place of the play's captured star.

So naturally, a stage based on the game should reflect that. It will have a base structure, based on the stage inside the theater, with the set dressing being changed every minute or so, bringing with it new hazards based on the different types of play being performed.

Potential theme:

Raphael Raven


As the Yoshis and Baby Mario fight their way from world to world, they face bosses along the way. One of the most memorable of these is a giant version of the Raven enemies.

This is Raphael Raven, generally considered the ruler of the Ravens. He reappears multiple times after his boss battle in the original Yoshi's Island, first as a playable character in Tetris Attack, then later as a supporting character in Paper Mario.

As a fighter, Raphael will be big and durable, with moderate speed. His moveset will pull from his boss battle as well as his subsequent appearances.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause.