Friday, August 30, 2024

Character Sheet: Slippy Toad


As stated before, I'm going back to the old Character Sheet format for the main series runs instead of the basic roster from before. The biggest reason for this is purely so I can give myself time to actually work through any given series' content. While that's not so much a concern with this series, I will need it come Pokemon time, so, yeah. Here's everyone who made it for Star Fox:

1. Fox McCloud

1e. James McCloud

2. Falco Lombardi

3. Krystal

4. Slippy Toad

5. Peppy Hare

6. Arwing

6e. Wolfen

7. Landmaster

8. ROB 64

9. Prince Tricky

10. Andross

10e. Andrew Oikonny

11. Wolf O'Donnell

12. Leon Powalski

13. Panther Caroso

14. Pigma Dengar

15. General Scales

16. Aparoid Queen

17. Anglar Emperor

18. SharpClaw

19. Aparoid

20. Monarch Dodora

Next, we have Slippy Toad, the resident mechanic of the team and least experienced flyer, judging by his tendency to constantly call for help all the time. He remains a major part of the team throughout the entire series, possibly leaving in Star Fox Command to be with his fiancée Amanda, depending on the ending. He will be a semi-clone just like Fox and Falco, but with less powerful moves and athletic skill, and more reliance on tech.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Charge Shot

About the same, but he can charge up his.

Side B: Slippy Slide

Sorta like Fox and Falco's, except he doesn't do it nearly as well and instead it takes on a bit more of his froggy abilities, with him sliding across the floor like he's all wet and slippery.

Up B: Froggy Hop

Similar to before, except Slippy busts out the hover jets from the Landmaster and uses them to leap high into the air and hover for a second.

Down B: Reflector

This will be the same, except he will rig up about four or five of them to circle around himself and protect him from all sides.

Final Smash: Team Star Fox

Same as Fox and Falco's. An alternate version could have Amanda in it, but otherwise it's fine.

Entrance: Dropping out of his Arwing.

Taunts: Up, he will toss a wrench in the air and look a little cocky. Side, small blasts will ignite around him and he'll look panicked. Down, he will slip and fall over.

Kirby Hat: His hat.

Kart: An Arwing.

Special Move: He will use reflectors to protect himself.

Spirit Battle: On Corneria. Fox and Falco will appear after he reached 100 damage.

Victory Screen: "Whew, that was a close one."

Losing Screen: He will fly off with Wolfens on his tail, crying out for Fox to help him with no answer.

Color Swaps: His 64 look, SNES look, Adventures look, Assault look, Command look, Beltino, one based on Amanda, one based on Grippy.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Peppy does a barrel roll!

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