Friday, August 23, 2024

Star Fox: Command


Star Fox: Command is . . . a Star Fox game. It is more or less the story finale of the series, as it gives multiple endings to wrap up the characters' stories depending on what you choose. Sadly, it's all packed into a game where you spend five minutes plotting out your strategy for the next round, followed by like thirty seconds of actual gameplay, where most of the missions are recycled repeats over and over. Also, the story is heavily built around Fox and Krystal getting majorly toxic personality facelifts for "drama," so, yeah, I'm not a big fan of the game.

The game is pretty much fully in the Arwing (or other ships), with most of the core basics present. You have a whole list of possible pilots that you can play as across the various missions of the game. These include: Fox, Falco, Slippy, Krystal, Wolf, Leon, Panther, Dash Bowman (a monkey and Andross's grandson), Lucy Hare (Peppy's daughter), Amanda (Slippy's fiancée), Katt Monroe, Bill Grey, and Peppy. James McCloud is also unlockable. ROB 64 is the most present he's ever been, playing a big role in the tactics map section, firing missiles, sending out supplies to certain locations, and clearing the "fog of war."

The Anglars are the new villains, mutated fish people native to Venom, coming for revenge for Andross's death. The Anglar Emperor is the main villain, fighting you inside a mech called the Arrow Head until it is beaten, at which point he will fight you himself, inhaling to suck you in and exhaling projectiles, while pieces of the Arrowhead float around him. He has five main underlings: Zazan, Zako, Zoldge, Octoman (like from Star Fox), and Andrew Oikonny, previously presumed dead and piloting a mech called the Death Crab. Pigma Dengar also returns from the dead, now reduced to an AI rubix cube space station thing that fires missiles and lasers.

Your enemies are a handful of Anglar fighters, as well as some bosses, like Zazan's ZaZanga 9, the Splitter, Zako's Devil Shark, Octoman's Octopod, the Biobrain, Zoldge's Solar Satellite, the Killer Bee, the Dune Worm, Monarch Dodora, and the Grunner.

Returning areas include Corneria, Aquas, Meteo, Fichina, Katina, Sectors X, Y, and Z, Solar, Titania, and Venom, with a strong focus on Venom's acid sea, where the Anglars live.

That's about it, really. Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: run, jump, lasers, bombs, roll, shield, sniper rifle

Krystal: spear, energy blast, bombs, CloudRunner, launch, shield

ROB: bombs, cannon, supplies, missiles, fog

Arwing: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield, charge shot, somersault, half-loop

Landmaster: lasers, bombs, charge shots, roll, hover

James/Katt/Bill/Lucy/Amanda/Dash status?

Tricky: Stay, Flame, Find, Heel, Play Ball

CloudRunners: fly


LightFoots: run, fight

Wolf/Leon/Panther: Wolfen capabilities, the moves listed for Star Fox team?

Andrew: possible echo of Andross, Death Crab

Pigma: crane arms, asteroids, missiles, gatling guns, bombs, disintegrator beam, rubix cube

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers, punch, clap, brain, spirits, rings, meteorites

General Scales: invisible, two hooked claws

Galdon: green fireballs, claws, eat Fox

Drakor: flies, blue lasers, electrical traps

SharpClaws: various weapons

Aparoids: Flyer, Beetle, Moth, Spinner, Kamikaze, Morphing Ship, Crystalline, Stringy, Bloated, Glowing Sac, Tri-Winged, Y-Shape, Electric Sphere, Crawler, Purple, Hatcher, Roller, Gunner, Force Field Generator, Blue Orb, Swirling, Silver, Larva

Aparoid Queen: eggs, scales, devastating beam, fly, lash out, energy rings, tunnel of energy breath, central beam

Anglar Emperor: inhale, exhale, swim, Arrow Head, Arrow Head pieces





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Fortuna (now separate)

Sector Z







Sector 6

Krazoa Palace

ThornTail Hollow

SnowHorn Wastes

Moon Mountain Pass

Cape Claw

CloudRunner Fortress

LightFoot Village

Walled City

Dragon Rock

Volcano Force Point Temple

Ocean Force Point Temple

Sargasso Space Zone

Orbital Gate

Aparoid Homeworld

Thanks for reading! Next up, ten years to get to Zero!

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