Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Star Fox Adventures


Star Fox Adventures is not a Star Fox game. It originated as Dinosaur Planet, a new game by Rare, bringing with it all the 3D platforming highlights you'd expect from a Rare game, like Banjo-Kazooie, Conker's Bad Fur Day, and Jet Force Gemini. Somewhere in the middle of development, someone said "Hey, that protagonist looks a little like Fox McCloud," so they decided to attach it to the Star Fox series for name recognition purposes. As a result, a new IP that may well have been as beloved as, at least, Jet Force Gemini, has instead gone down in history being hated by those fans that came wanting a Star Fox experience.

The story centers around Fox and his team getting a distress call from the planet Sauria, where the SharpClaw tribe is attempting to conquer the planet and enforce their rule over all the other tribes on the planet. You spend most of your time playing as Fox on the ground, using the staff dropped by Krystal, a young fox warrior who'd shown up earlier to try and help, only to end up captured. With her staff, he can attack using the bladed tips or throw magic with it, use it as a shield, and use it to launch high into the sky from certain stations. He could also plant bomb plants and detonate them. All of this can very much be attributed to Krystal, so it will be.

Fox is accompanied in his adventures by Tricky, the young prince of the EarthWalker tribe, who helps him with various sidekick commands, those being Stay (he stays put in one spot), Flame (he breathes fire), Find (he will find hidden objects and dig), Heel (he will come to your side), and Play Ball (he'll play fetch with you). I might be able to do something there.

Other characters include Peppy, Slippy, ROB, General Pepper, and Falco, who generally just chime in with their advice over the radio, because they have to pretend it's a Star Fox game somehow. They do help out a bit in the small flying missions that happen on occasion. The dinosaur tribes include ThornTails (Ankylosaur types), EarthWalkers (Triceratops types), CloudRunners (Pterosaurs), SnowHorns (Mammoths), HighTops (Apatosaur types), LightFoots (Gallimimus types), RedEyes (T-Rex), and SharpClaws (smaller predatory types). Each have their own members, generally a king or queen and a gatekeeper. There is also a giant stone statue called the WarpStone, and a shopkeeper you can buy from.

General Scales is the leader of the SharpClaws and generally the main villain of the game. He sadly does not get a boss fight ever in the game, as they were cut out when it became a Star Fox game (Really awkwardly too, it's perfectly obvious where they were supposed to take place). He can turn invisible and uses two hooked claws attached to his wrist to attack. Andross turns out to be the real villain of the game, appearing as a spirit and supposedly guiding Fox throughout the game, only for him to betray them both and used the spirits collected by Fox to gain a new body. During his battle, he fires rings from his mouth, swats with his hands, inhales, and exhales meteorites.

Other bosses include Galdon, a giant insectoid creature that will spit green fireballs, attack with its claws, and eat Fox; King RedEye, a giant T-Rex that likes to charge and bite; and Drakor, a dragon who flies, shoots blue lasers, and leaves electrical traps behind him. Fun fact: Drakor was the original true villain behind Scales in Dinosaur Planet.

Our enemies include the SharpClaws, the standard grunts of the game who use a variety of different weapons to attack; the BribeClaw, a SharpClaw guard that will let you pass for money; ShadowHunters, fast runner types; RedEyes, large T-Rexes; EggSnatchers, who steal eggs; Snipluks, Snaplaks, and Kooshies who burrow; Kalda Chom, a frog thing that lives in a pond; Brain Squids; PopTops, who are sorta turtles; MushGus, a mushroom; cliff-dwelling Peepers; flying Bloops and FireBats; FireCrawlers, who live in volcanic areas; and plants called Venus Foxtraps.

Major areas around Sauria include: Krazoa Palace, the center of most of the plot; ThornTail Hollow, sorta the hub area of the game; SnowHorn Wastes, an icy mountain; Moon Mountain Pass, where Fox encounters Andross's spirit; Cape Claw, a beach; CloudRunner Fortress, high in the sky; LightFoot Village, a marshy area; the Walled City, where the EarthWalker King rules; Dragon Rock, where you face Drakor; and then the Volcano and Ocean Force Point Temples.

I think that's about it! Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: run, jump, lasers, bombs

Krystal: spear, energy blast, bombs, CloudRunner, launch, shield

ROB: bombs, cannon, supplies

Arwing?: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield, charge shot, somersault, half-loop

Landmaster?: lasers, bombs, charge shots, roll, hover

James/Katt/Bill status?

Tricky: Stay, Flame, Find, Heel, Play Ball

CloudRunners: fly


LightFoots: run, fight

Wolf/Leon/Pigma/Andrew: Wolfen capabilities

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers, punch, clap, brain, spirits, rings, meteorites

General Scales: invisible, two hooked claws

Galdon: green fireballs, claws, eat Fox

Drakor: flies, blue lasers, electrical traps

SharpClaws: various weapons





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Sector Z







Sector 6

Krazoa Palace

ThornTail Hollow

SnowHorn Wastes

Moon Mountain Pass

Cape Claw

CloudRunner Fortress

LightFoot Village

Walled City

Dragon Rock

Volcano Force Point Temple

Ocean Force Point Temple

Thanks for reading! Next up, it's time to lead the assault on the Aparoid forces.

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