Saturday, August 24, 2024

Star Fox Zero


Star Fox Zero was the first original game in the series for ten years after Command, seemed to be only received lukewarmly by the fanbase, and it has since been eight years with no new games in sight. The game is yet another story remake of the same plot from Star Fox and Star Fox 64, being the main war with Andross.

The gameplay is mostly the same, with an Arwing as your main vehicle, all of its accessories attached, and the Landmaster returning as well. The game also features two new modes: the Walker and the Gyrowing. The Walker is basically the Arwing rearranged to have legs so it can walk around and get into small spaces. The Gyrowing is a slower helicopter-type vehicle with a small robot named Direct-i that it can deploy to hack into computer systems or pick up items. Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Peppy return as the main pilots.

General Pepper returns, as do Katt Monroe and Bill Grey, with James McCloud having his small cameo in the final fight. Strangely, ROB 64 seems to be nowhere in sight.

Andross is our main villain, and has a boss fight that mostly hearkens back to his old fights with a lot of similar attacks, the two most notable new ones I noticed was a wall of shielding he summons around himself and a spinning purple laser. Wolf, Leon, Pigma, and Andrew Oikonny all appear in their villainous roles working for Andross, and are mostly just enemy fighters. Wolf does have a fun Walker mode for his ship though.

Much like the first game, most of our enemies are just various enemy fighters with a specific pattern of attack to them, as are most of the bosses. I would like to note the Monarch Dodora, which can fly, spit fireballs, fire lasers from its tail, and create tornadoes, as well as the Gigarilla, a giant ape that rampages around, picking up large crates and throwing them or just stomping enemies.

For our stages, Corneria, Zoness, Titania, Fichina, Fortuna, and Venom all return, as does an Asteroid Field, but instead of Sector X, Y, and Z, we now have Sector Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega, plus Area Three.

That's about it, really. Here's what we've got so far:


Fox/Falco/Slippy/Peppy: run, jump, lasers, bombs, roll, shield, sniper rifle

Krystal: spear, energy blast, bombs, CloudRunner, launch, shield

ROB: bombs, cannon, supplies, missiles, fog

Arwing: lasers, bombs, barrel roll, rockets, thrusters, shield, charge shot, somersault, half-loop, Walker, Direct-i

Landmaster: lasers, bombs, charge shots, roll, hover

James/Katt/Bill/Lucy/Amanda/Dash status?

Tricky: Stay, Flame, Find, Heel, Play Ball

CloudRunners: fly


LightFoots: run, fight

Wolf/Leon/Panther: Wolfen capabilities, the moves listed for Star Fox team?

Andrew: possible echo of Andross, Death Crab

Pigma: crane arms, asteroids, missiles, gatling guns, bombs, disintegrator beam, rubix cube

Andross: tiles, inhale, lasers, punch, clap, brain, spirits, rings, meteorites, shield wall, spinning laser

General Scales: invisible, two hooked claws

Galdon: green fireballs, claws, eat Fox

Drakor: flies, blue lasers, electrical traps

SharpClaws: various weapons

Aparoids: Flyer, Beetle, Moth, Spinner, Kamikaze, Morphing Ship, Crystalline, Stringy, Bloated, Glowing Sac, Tri-Winged, Y-Shape, Electric Sphere, Crawler, Purple, Hatcher, Roller, Gunner, Force Field Generator, Blue Orb, Swirling, Silver, Larva

Aparoid Queen: eggs, scales, devastating beam, fly, lash out, energy rings, tunnel of energy breath, central beam

Anglar Emperor: inhale, exhale, swim, Arrow Head, Arrow Head pieces

Monarch Dodora: fly, spit fireballs, lasers from tail, tornadoes

Gigarilla: stomp, throw containers





Space Armada


Sector X


Sector Y


Fortuna (now separate)

Sector Z







Sector 6

Krazoa Palace

ThornTail Hollow

SnowHorn Wastes

Moon Mountain Pass

Cape Claw

CloudRunner Fortress

LightFoot Village

Walled City

Dragon Rock

Volcano Force Point Temple

Ocean Force Point Temple

Sargasso Space Zone

Orbital Gate

Aparoid Homeworld

Sector Alpha

Sector Beta

Sector Gamma

Sector Omega

Area Three

Thanks for reading! Now, we move on to characters. While it does seem like we have a spot of trouble when it comes to our core main cast, I do have a plan. So, next up, Fox takes to the skies!

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