Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Character Sheet: The Phantom


And now, we have six brand-new characters to add in to the Mario rosters, including those from the Mario + Rabbids DLC and Super Mario Wonder. They are:

1. Elephant Mario

2. Prince Florian

3. Allegra

4. Poplin

5. Spark Hunters (split from Edge)

6. The Phantom

What do you get when you merge a Rabbid, a Boo toy, and a phonograph? You get a fantastically memorable boss from the second world of Kingdom Battle, who returned as the main villain of the third DLC wave for Sparks of Hope, where he roped Rayman, Rabbid Peach, and Rabbid Mario into performing in his show. Throughout his battles, he can become invulnerable to damage when under a spotlight, teleport to new locations, and release a sonic blast from his mouth. For a while that was it that I was willing to use, but his various sets from his shows kept being a prominent aspect, so we can work with some of that too.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Sonic Blast

He will reach an operatic high note and blast it forward as a projectile attack.

Side B: Special Effects

He will act like he's driving a kart, while strong wind blows behind him, knocking back anyone too close. Set pieces will move around him.

Up B: Disappear

He will vanish in a bright light, then reappear somewhere else.

Down B: Spotlight

A spotlight will light up underneath him, making him impervious to attack for as long as he doesn't move from it.

Final Smash: Opera of Roasts

He will sing a loud bombastic song insulting all of his opponents. Once it is over, the character will go flying from his "sick burns."

Entrance: He will rise in the spotlight, performing an opening note.

Taunts: Up, he will spin upward with a flourish. Side, his crew will move set pieces around him. Down, he will perform some vocal warmups.

Kirby Hats: His powdered wig and ears.

Kart: He will be in the position he's in when mocking Mario's kart races, but he won't have an actual kart.

Special Item: A spotlight will appear, making him immune to damage.

Spirit Battle: On Kingdom Battle's Omega form, with spotlights and the lights dimmed.

Victory Screen: He will take his final bow as roses are tossed at the stage.

Losing Screen: He will perform a big dramatic death scene.

Color Swaps: His normal appearance, a red coat, a black coat with a mask, a green coat, a white admiral's coat, a pirate outfit, a black tux and red sash, a masquerade ball outfit.

Thanks for reading! Now, we have another new game that just recently dropped to deal with.

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