Friday, November 24, 2023

Character Sheet: Mineru


Now, let us go through and cover all characters now added thanks to their appearance in Tears of the Kingdom, either newcomers or old characters given more to work with, and at least one that got added through association. They are:

1. Tulin

2. Mineru

3. Purah

4. Rauru

5. Sonia

6. Zonai Construct

7. Gibdo

8. ReDead

9. Gleeok

10. Phantom Ganon

Mineru is a new character and the Zonai sage who aids Link in his quest. She is first introduced as the sister of King Rauru, a wise master of the magical arts who explains concepts relating to time travel, light magic, and the forbidden dragon transformation ritual. She personally has the ability to separate her soul from her body, which allows her to linger all the way to Link's era, where she builds a new body for herself out of Zonai parts.

Mineru has a lot of options at her disposal. As a magic user, we see her separate her soul from her body, while as a Zonai mech, she can wield a number of weapons, such as a pair of maces, electric prods, a shield, and fans. I think there's plenty we can do here.

Here is the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Twin Maces

She will produce the mace attachments for the ends of her arms, slamming them down before her hard.

Side B: Electric Prods

She will start up her prods and zap an opponent with them, stunning them in place for a moment.

Up B: Spirit Projection

This will function in much the same way Toon Zelda's does, with Mineru's spirit bursting from the mech body and leaving it behind, only for it to reform when she lands.

Down B: Spirit Warrior

Since it's a common thing not quite yet represented among the sages, Mineru will project a green holographic image of herself that can run around and help fight on its own, separate from her.

Final Smash: The Ancient Sages

Mineru and the other four sages of the past will all stand together with their masks on, running forward and blasting an opponent with a burst of light.

Entrance: The robot body will emerge from its casket.

Taunts: Up, she will stand up straight, letting the mech cool down. Side, she will strike a couple of poses with the body. Down, the body will collapse, leaving her spirit form to stretch for a minute.

Kirby Hat: Her big ears and mask.

Kart: A vehicle version of her mech.

Special Move: She will project a holographic racer that will race alongside her.

Spirit Battle: Herself on The Depths.

Victory Screen: She will let go of her body and nod to you in spirit form.

Losing Screen: We will see her being swallowed up by malice.

Color Swaps: The main robot body, one with blue lights, one with red lights, one with yellow lights, one with pink lights, one without lights, one with white lights, and the Seized Construct.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Purah conducts an experiment.

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