Monday, November 6, 2023

Character Sheet: Spark Hunters


And now, we have six brand-new characters to add in to the Mario rosters, including those from the Mario + Rabbids DLC and Super Mario Wonder. They are:

1. Elephant Mario

2. Prince Florian

3. Allegra

4. Poplin

5. Spark Hunters (split from Edge)

6. The Phantom

Next up, with the introduction of Kanya, we now have five Spark Hunters, including the former Edge. With Edge acting as a hero and the other four all being villains, I thought it was fair to create a split between them, with them acting as echoes or semi-echoes of each other instead.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Kanya Bomb

We'll replace Edge's blade here with Kanya's bombs that she tosses from Mecha King Bob-Omb.

Side B: Bedrock Slam

Functionally the same.

Up B: Midnite Warp

Functionally the same.

Down B: Daphne's Poison

Functionally the same.

Final Smash: Mecha King Bob-Omb

Kanya's mech will rise onto the stage and rampage around, tossing bombs everywhere before exploding itself.

Entrance: They will appear in their various methods from each boss battle.

Taunts: Up, they will float and spin like Midnite. Side, they will break into an evil laugh. Down, they will tend a Daphne vine.

Kirby Hats: Each one's respective hair.

Kart: A car based on Mecha King Bob-Omb

Special Item: Daphne's vines will sprout and entangle a nearby player.

Spirit Battle: On Darkmess Manta, all four in succession.

Victory Screen: The Hunter will laugh wickedly as Darkmess spreads.

Losing Screen: The defeat animation seen of all four will play.

Color Swaps: Midnite, Bedrock, Daphne, Kanya, Darkmess Midnite, Darkmess Bedrock, Darkmess Daphne, Darkmess Kanya.

Thanks for reading! Next up, our star has finally arrived.

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